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[FIGHTER] Super Smash Bros - Princess Peach - lysaara

polycounter lvl 9
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lysaara polycounter lvl 9
I am all about this contest! Beeen thinking about it all morning and just made my mind up: I am going to badass-ify Princess Peach cause I think she should kick some serious ass by herself. She's too often portrayed as far too much of a weak and helpless girly-girl - I'm going to make her a swordbrella-fencer, a serious force to be reckoned with!

So watch this space, I'm off to doodle out some ideas :3


  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Haha nice, I'm gonna make peach aswell!

    Good luck, looking forward what you will come up with!
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Did a bit of sketching! It's been SO LONG since I drew anything at home, feels weird! :3

    This is one idea for her outfit; I definitely want to keep the essential Peachiness of it - the pink, the lace, the sapphires - but tighten it up a bit, make it more suitable for a fighter :3 Not sure if I'm liking the Sailor Moon-esque gloes and boots though :/
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Well, I've been quiet for far too long with nothing to show for it :s But I intend on doing a lot of work this weekend!

    First though, let's meet my proportion reference model:
    Yes, it's a doll :p Specifically this is Lagoona Blue, a Monster High doll who I picked up in Toys R Us last weekend. Isn't she cute? :D Besides wanting one of these gorgeous dolls for ages anyway, I absolutely adore their exaggerated proportions - the super long slim legs and sassily-sculped hands are just lovely! I'm going to keep the head rather a bit smaller though - works for a doll, not so much for a fighting game character :3

    Now that I've got a base shape to go off, I need to dress her! Something close-fitting to show off her shape, functional to fight in but also ornate :3 Here's a picture I'm using for inspiration, although I'd prefer a bit less cleavage:

    Now I'm going to shut up for a bit while I draw.
  • RMBT
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    RMBT polycounter lvl 11
    Princess Peach with cleavage? This should be good :P
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Alright, so I've got a design I'm pretty happy with! :3

    One question still remains though - how to do her hair? I was thinking of having it scraped back into a big old ponytail, but I tried drawing a slightly shorter version of Peach's usual do and I rather like it. What do you guys think, stick with the original or change it up a bit?
  • mxdirector
    I say 2. looks a bit different from the nintendo version.
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Took out the boob window when I realised what I had done. My most hated costume design clich
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    It looks good, and I'm no anatomy expert, but I think you should widen the shoulders and increase the size of the head. The lower half looks great, but it tapers off toward her upper body, and makes her look a bit retarded. :)
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    This is a cool design! I feel like the neck is too long considering the rest of the proportions you have. Seems a little alien.
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Hey thanks for the input guys :3 I'll play about with her proportions a bit when I get her in 3D, but you're definitely right about the neck.
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Sword, parasol-alike scabbard, and belt with adorable heart-shaped buckle:

    And here is what happens when you turn those gems on:

    The scabbard works just fine as a regular sunshade parasol, but when the switch in the grip is pressed an energy shield is projected from the sword. Similar shields can be activated over key areas on Peach's body; her face, chest and forearms. Is it magic? Is it tech? Who knows, who cares! It looks cool :3

    Now I guess it's time to start sculpting. Urk! :s
  • circle of friends
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    circle of friends polycounter lvl 10
    Looks great! Looking forward to seeing some 3d.
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    I think I use liprings as a shortcut for 'badass', haha ;3 I just like them so much.
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Oh hey look, that's kinda a basemesh I guess! Took far, far longer than it should have to get to this point because I haven't used Max in a shamefully long time now and I spent most of today trying to remember how the camera worked and figuring out wtf the shortcuts I'm used to from XSI/maya were doing to my mesh. Mostly very unhelpful things, as it turns out. But I've really missed Max anyway <:3
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Work is going slowly! ._.;; I decided that learning to sculpt and use Mudbox/Zbrush/anything from scratch would probably be a bit too much for this contest so I'm just going to model+texture without normal maps.
    She has a head! And shoes, and a sword! Left to model now is her hair, skirt, belt and scabbard. I'll get a start on those after I have some lunch. Still getting over a horrible moment about 20 minutes ago when my chair leg snagged on the extension cable and unplugged my PC ;_; Lucky I had autobackup...
  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    The upper torso is kind of odd. The part of the arm where it connects with the body is very thick so I recommend bringing the armpits up higher.

    The leg curvature is a little extreme for me- it reads almost like a reverse leg you'd see on animals like dogs/horses. What does it look like from side view? On the other hand, the rest of the body might not have enough curvature with the torso and arms appearing rather stiff/straight.

    The neck is also quite long. This in addition to the legs gives me a somewhat feral impression of her. I think it's worth it to overlay your concept on to that doll reference photo you had to check your proportions. There are some good things there in that reference that are getting lost in translation.
  • lysaara
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    lysaara polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you for the feedback! :D

    I tend to go a bit overboard with the leg-curviness so I toned it down and straightened them out a bit, looks much less odd now :3 The doll herself is stood next to my monitor so I've been looking from her and back to make some tweaks. It's nice to have a model I can look at from any angle!

    The long neck is something I meant to change earlier - that's fixed now. And I started on her hair, but it needs a lot more flyaway strandy bits before it's near done.

    When I'm happier with the hip/crotch area I'll get started on her skirt but currently something about it is bugging me :/ I always find it quite a tricky area but I'm not sure what to do with it.
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