it's a kevlar underlay, coated with carbon fibre. getting the underlay is fairly easy... you could zbrush the pattern onto whatever it is you need it on, and use the normalmaps to create the affect with a decent specular to go with it.
the problem is though, how would i create the effect of having the kevlar underlay, AND the transparrent/translucent overlay which is completely smooth with a higher gloss value?
It would definitely require some shader tinkering. what do you plan on rendering with?
not sure if it went the way I wanted but I basically created a pattern in photoshop, then applied it to my metal material with overlay and reducing opactity to make it blend slightly, then use subtle color reflections on the spec. hope this helps
Edit: to get that pattern, you can play with the pattern size/distribution, the one in the example is a lot smaller and have less presence.
having the reflections and details of the kevlar, but at the same time having a glossy overlay that's independant of that detail.
that doesn't work, the normal affects the cubemap.
not if you build your own shader in unreal, then you can plug in a different normalmap or try if you can get away with the normals of your mesh, i guess if its dense enough it could work.
But its mostly just a matter of what you think you can do, my solution would usually not end up in a game for beeing pretty heavy on the performance, extra shader for this specific material + extra maps etc. must be some sort of Hero Asset to deserve this treatment.
I guess you could fake it well enough, but it really depends on how close you can get and how big the asset is.
The important thing here is the high contrast reflection, which is achieved by a high gloss value, and high spec value. Using a cubemap/IBL will help, but it can be done with a simple point light setup as well.
Even if this isn't "accurate" to what is really going on there, analyzing the ref posted, this is the end result.
For the coated carbon, the clearcoat has to be it's own geometry. Sorry, but for the good results you're going to have to do the carbon normally, then another mesh .1cm above that with a very slight yellowish tinge, 98% transparent, and higher spec, and that's what you do the reflections off.
By taking the dot product of your light vector and your second normal, you can create a normal which only affects the channels you designate.
Make sure you need to do this, though. It's an extra texture you have to load, an extra texture sampler, and several extra instructions. Faking it should be good enough in most situations.
Just for fun, I'm going to try to whip up a more accurate material for this-- something really expensive and impractical. I'll post what I come up with.
Hells yeah! I know alot of people say it's not neccessary for this situation, but it's always good to see how it would be done anyway - just another shader trick to add to the arsenal!
Might give this ago later!
It's got separate anisotropic and phong specularity for the carbon and the clearcoat-- you can plug in your own diffuse, spec and normal, which drive a reflection cube and aren't affected by the normal of the carbon, which can be scaled to whatever you want.
It's also ~120 instructions, which is a bunch.
Fun for showoff renders, maybe less good for actual games.
so thanks very much man!
If I was to start dreaming up shaders, I would start looking into adding camera angle falloff to the diffuse to get this effect:
The falloff trick gets used all the time to rim light characters, most prominently in TF2. I used the falloff option in shaderFX on my DW entry 2 years ago. It's the green rim light glow, you basically set it so that its based off of the camera/player view angle and define how tight or wide the effect is with a gradient ramp. A few other shaders have options for it too, it can be done in 3dsmax, Maya and in Unreal.
On a side note, with unreal moving to deferred shading doesnt that mean that they have to remove all material nodes related to light properties?