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Bastila Character Project

polycounter lvl 19
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Slipstream polycounter lvl 19

It's been awhile since I've done any personal work, and I wanted to share this and get some feedback on my progress thus far.

Kotor's been one of my favorite RPG's and I've wanted to do a homage to it for a long time, and I figured this would be neat way to do that.

So please tear into it, and I'll respond and update as I can

Just ignore the belt. It's a terrible placeholder

And as a quick reference:


  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 13
    Looks good. I feel like the head is a bit too large though.
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    LRoy wrote: »
    Looks good. I feel like the head is a bit too large though.

    Roger, roger.

    The proportions feel a bit off. I think the shoulders are too wide as well. Overall she has a very masculine shape to her. She need more shape in her hips.
    Also, in the side pic her hair looks kind of flat in the back/top of her head. I think the hair needs more volume in the back of the head.

    She's a great character, one of my favs. Good luck!
  • JGcount
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    She looks like a man from behind...not good.

    Basically, like the others said, it is the proportions. The biggest one right now is that her legs are too short compared to her torso, which is a very masculine feature.
  • Hazed_blue
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    Hazed_blue polycounter lvl 18
    I think her head would almost be okay if you wanted the character to be very short, like 5'0" or around there, which could be interesting. Otherwise yeah, it needs a reduction in size.

    Folds and such look good, but there are some that don't quite make sense in regards to gravity. For instance, you have some fabric pinching on the skirt tails. Technically they look fine, but they don't make sense. Cloth pinches and drapes from a point that is held in place with a rigid force, like from a belt, buttons, articles on the waist, etc. To that end, you shouldn't see cloth folds that originate from nowhere. Think about where the cloth is actually draping down from, and fold it from there.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    looking good so far. agreed with everyone on proportions. and definitely the face needs to look a bit more lady like. try at your lowest sub-d just really stressing the major forms of the hips and thighs. for the face specifically, if you're trying to recreate the original, then its really a matter of just softening up the cheekbones and jawline.. and make the nose a bit smaller. the second reference youve got (the first drawing) looks a lot like kate beckinsale, so take a look at her for some inspiration.
  • Thriller Theater
    also about proportions, the kneepoint should be more in the middle. now her lower legs are too short compared to her thighs. Keep up the good work!
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. I've spent the last couple hours addressing the things you all pointed out :)

    Her head's smaller, her legs longer, and her hips wider (thank you transpose tool!)I messed around with the structure of her face some, and altered the distance of the knees from the hips.

    To address some of things I've yet to change:
    @Seburoc: I was thinking about the width of her shoulders, and I wanted her to have closer to a gymnast's build. But it does seem really mannish, so I don't know. I'll try slimming it down tommorrow.
    I also forgot about addressing the hair. So I'll do that tommorrow as well.

    @Hazed_Blue: Thanks for that. I did put a lot of those in there just to have folds in there. I'll do a better job of remembering that they should come from somewhere in the future :)

    I do want her to look kinda short, and strong, but not a body builder so hopefully the head size and limb adjustments have helped with that
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