Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice,
Dogs and cats living in sin....
That's right people, I just got offered a real-actual-honest-to-goodness JOB!!!!!!
Starting as a junoir character/creature artist with Rabbit Hole Entertainment on or about March 28.
Special thanks to Polycount,
(and GA and CgTalk too 
Actually, I remember running across your portfolio a while ago. My AD sent it to me asking what I thought. I said "hire that guy", but I guess it never went through for one reason or another.
Jokes aside, congrats for the new job man. Success!
We should be seeing a few more of these threads popping up as budgets for this year have been locked in and hiring can begin. Shouldn't see too many more layoffs over the next few months!
Congrats End of the World dude. You almost had me there.
Congratulations dude! Good times!
congratulations man, do it do it!
BadgerBaiter 5 internet cool points for you
BigJohn, sent you a pm dude.
Congrats, no linkage to there website alls I found was something on linked in.
awesome. congrats
Is the place in the lower mainland? Good to hear people are still getting jobs around here.
It is indeed, the latest resident at 948 Homer Street
In any case, congratulations!