After years of hard work, we have finally announced Spiral Knights, a new multiplayer, action-adventure mmo coming out 4.4.11
This is my first big game as lead designer, I'm so proud of it! Hope you guys all get a chance to play, it's a really fun game that takes elements of classic NES and arcade games and mashes them together with some modern mmo stuff like a persistent world, guilds, etc.
Hope you like it!
I think I'll try it later today.
do I have to wait until I can create an account without invitation or how does the system works..
Looks like a lot of fun.
Cholden - Yep you can experience everything the game has to offer for free.
- BoBo
haha did I spy some gelatinous cubes?
And yes, there are many, many different types of gelatinous cubes in SK. It was actually a requirement from my boss early on it the project!
Also, to be able to use a button to interact with other players, such as sending a message or inviting them to group.
so far, really cool. looking forward to playing more tonight!
I had so much fun playing this! need to start again when i get some more time, its super addictive
Come to think of it, Maury taught me texturing which landed me my first job that eventually got me into design and now where I'm at... and the world goes round.
Some of those tweets have invite codes attached to them (like right now).
if multi is working in the preview, here's my knight's name. Toss me an invite.
knight: Jamess
And if you can believe it, it's all Java!
Man, I would've loved to done fx on a game like this. After a few years working on Champions definitely makes me appreciate stylized art for games along these lines, allows for a lot more fun in the design.
This will look real nice on your portfolio. Good job.
edit: I'm working on a new UDK scene and I've been having doubts about it and now I know why, I'm tired of using photo realistic textures. Seeing your game has...inspired me to attempt my first hand drawn textures.
Right now the health/etc vials are broken, waiting for them to be fixed. I'm in as ceebee, otherwise you can friend divi and tRens.
Also thanks to tRens we have a Polycount guild.
Haven't been playing too much since it started back up but I probably will get around to it after getting more stuff done on my Brawl entry and classwork.
Play time ho!
Facebook logging in doesn't seem to want to work
We're also thinking about a vote kick system, but those kinds of things can get ugly.
Btw. this is only browser playable? Is there any downloadable version?
EDIT: Just tested it! The "Do you want to add the icon on the desktop" at the end when I wanted to quit is a HUGE plus, now ill KNOW ill be back into the game.
Havent played enough *at work* so cant really give much feedback, but ill put my experiences here asap
My name is Shiv in game
Lots of fun for a simple little thing, thanks