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Low poly model problem.

I've been making this low poly model of scarface(the black and white) and I ran into this problem while posing it. I have problems setting up the joints so that it acts the way I want. Here's the file if you want to have a look at it. And is there anyway I can make this model look better?



  • sketch81
    It might be worth posting some renders or wireframes dude. Take a screen grab if your having problems posting renders/wireframes. :)
  • Komalrajsingh
    I thought posting the 3D model would be much better.. anyway here's some pics.


  • sketch81
    I'd delete the inside polys for the sleeves and use them for the hands. I'd also devote some extra polys to the head and continue to work on the shape. At the moment it looks a little pointy at the front and could so with some extra love. Take some time to study other 3D artist's work and see how they create game art.
    It's a good idea to work out your budget/polycount before you start modelling. It will give you a good indication on where to allocate polys and gives you something to work towards.
    Keep at it :)
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    the reason they dont act the way you want and that you're having problems..
    is because you totally fucked it up :D simple eh?

    you got the hip joint and the legs down, good job.
    but your two spine joints (and neck and head now that I look at it again) are wrong in two ways.
    they are pointing down to his hip, which means that .. right now, the top joint on his head (redundant joint btw, same with the end of the fingers and toes..fucking hate that hehe) is the root of the hierarchy, you dont want that.
    re-draw the joints from the hip (use the side view yes?), going up the spine, neck and head.
    that way, the hips will be the root of the hierarchy, and the character will move from there, not from his hair..

    if you do that (just check some tutorial online that does it right), Im sure the problem youre having will be solved.

    the next thing that I notice is that the arm hierarchy starts from his neck. thats not right either now is it.

    when youre re-drawing the spine joints, add one joint where you'd kinda want his stomach to be, and one around the chest/ribcage. then the neck.
    you dont rly need anything between the ribcage and the neck.
    your arms should then be connected to that chest/ribcage joint, not the neck joint!

    inb4 this thread dies because I posted in it. :D
  • Rezghenth
    "I saw this and thought of you." You seem to have gotten the knee rings done correctly from what I can see, but the arm rings are done incorrectly. As it stands you look to be having the arms bending backwards, which is not what you want. Swap those around mate! Here:

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