Is anyone having issues with Ambient Occlusion in the latest UDK? It worked before and now I get no AO! For the life of me I can't get it to appear - been stuck for hours.
I have done the following:
- tried enabling / disabling in World Properties and UTpostprocess_console
- tried playing with all the values and check-boxes (appear in editor/game etc)
- gone back to the February beta (where it works) and copied the UTPostprocess_Console.upk and set it as the default one in March (by configuring the defaultengine.ini).
- checked that no postprocess volumes are in the level
- postprocessing is on as other effects in the chain (eg UberPostProcessingEffect still work)
I will post this on UDK forums as soon as my account is activated there; but I thought i'd ask here at my home (polycount) until then. If anyone has any ideas i'd really appreciate it.
- Ok nevermind - I found there IS a bug with dx11 that prevents AO from working. BUG CONFIRMED