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grid size problem maya and max.

polycounter lvl 9
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jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
Hi !,

I have recently started to work on an underground level for a game company. I use maya 2011 and created this room that has the measure of:

X 16 m , Y 28 m ,Z 8 m

The Company that i work for needed the file sent in max format, so i imported the obj into Max and saved the file there. Now to my issue. what i want to achive in BOTH max and Maya ,is to create one gridline / meter. so that i can use thoose grid as a foundation to create a bigger level from the rooms i have already made.

When i do this in Maya it completely fucks up the camera (it zooms in way to fast and the grid rotates away from the center of the screen.

in max i have changed the settings to meter but where can i get more lines ?

also ,maybe this is just me but if i create a cube that has a measure of 1m xyz, shouldnt that cube resize after i change the grid? ,or is that value somewhat floating and different from the grid measure ?

Have alook at the picture to see what settings i have choosed in maya.

kindly // Jimmy


  • Warheart
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    Warheart polycounter lvl 17
    In Maya the grid is independent of the object scale. In fact, the scene units are also independent of the object dimensions. For example, if you have your scene units set to centimetres, create an object and place it at 100,0,0 and then change the scene units to meters its position will read 1,0,0 in the channel box. That's just how Maya handles units (which I personally like because it means that objects are always real world scale regardless of which units you are using to measure them with).

    The problem with the camera messing up when you change the grid sounds odd. This may be an obvious suggestion but after you change the grid try hitting "f" with an object selected and see if the fixes the camera ( this sets the camera's centre of interest to the centre of the object so it should rotate around it normally).

    The grid settings you have in your screenshot look strange too. "length and width" means how many scene units your grid will extend from the origin. It looks like you have your grid set to be 2 meters by 2 meters. Also, if you have your "Grid lines every" set to 0.01 with your scene units set to meters then you get a grid line every centimetre (so where you have marked "10m" in your screenshot that is actually 10cm).

    It looks like you started modelling with scene units in cm expecting it to change to meters when you updated the linear units setting. So, to get your model to the scale you want it to be in real world units what you should do is group all your objects, scale the group up by 100, ungroup everything and then delete the group.

    End of rambling ^_^, hope some of that made sense/was useful.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Alot warheart ! ,

    I was getting crazy at this, The zooming is good now (probably mecouse of the size is more decent now) , but the roration of the camera is still bad,yes i know what F does but it doesnt work, can i send you a scene with my units and maybe you can see whats wrong ? thanks again man !
  • Warheart
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    Warheart polycounter lvl 17
    Hmmm, yep suppose you could send me the file and I could have a look. It might not help if we're on different versions though. What version of Maya are you using?

    Another thing to try if your cameras are being weird is importing everything into a new scene (if you haven't tried that already).
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    I am ising maya 2011 , pivots always keeps returning to the origin of the scene aswell when i copy stuff also the snap values is different wich is not very strange. i will try if it works to reset the scene if not i will send a scene to you.
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