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Uninspiring Lighting Question

So I have a rather embarrassing grasp on lighting in UDK considering how much time I've spent with it. Lighting tweaking is something that always gets pushed to last in my projects and ends up getting set aside when time runs out, leaving me turning in projects with no more then basic lighting and some clear lighting problems. I've got all the functionality for my current level finished a few days ahead of schedule and am now doing a pass to touch up the lights.

I modeled a room in 3ds Max, starting with a box, flipping the normals inward and modeled it that way, so the static mesh is essentially a box with it's normals facing inward. It was fully lit initially, until I changed it's material to 2 sided, now I have lights showing through the seams that are making my dark room too lit.


The red in the upper half of the image shows where unwanted lighting is appearing on the model. I'm sure there is a simple fix for this. Some google fu has me thinking I need to have a second unwrap channel specifically for lighting, but I'm unsure if this is the case or exactly how to go about that (I've read it's possible to make said second unwrap in UDK itself?)

Problem is with searching lighting problems is that it seems EVERYBODY has had lighting problems at some point, and it seems everybody's problem is a different one. So I'll say thanks in advance for any assistance, as well as apologize if this is one of those things that gets reposted every other day.

For bonus points you can tell me about the unwanted shadow I'm getting from my skeletal mesh doors. I'm 100% certain the problem is related to the "SkeletalMeshActor casts shadow but has no PhysicsAsset assigned. The shadow will be low res and inefficient" error I get at build time. I don't understand exactly what that means, but is something I will be tackling as soon as this gets posted.

Thanks again guys!


  • Runner

    Check this videos http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/VideoTutorials.html great for beginners.

    You might have various problems, its hard to tell.

    1-You need a second UVW channel for light maps. You might need to specify the size of the lightmap in UDK.

    2-Are you using dynamic lights everywhere? Check your light types.

    3-Avoid building your rooms with double sided shaders/Materials set in Max.

    4-Do check the videos it will all be explained. The same information is available in plain text, check the UDN site.
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