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Game design process?

polycounter lvl 8
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martinszeme polycounter lvl 8
Hi everyone.

Me and friend of mine are trying to create a game and I was looking around for general breakdowns of what to do first, what not to do etc.
I've found that gamasutra is a great resource and also googled around for some articles, blogs.
Looked on udk and unity3d boards, but its mostly technical discussions there.

So far found these to be really useful:

Looked around on this forum and couldn't find any threads dedicated for this kind of stuff. Might have missed something though.

So do you have any game desing sites, you would recommend? Especially game designer blogs? Its impossible to find any decent one on google.

EDIT: I guess I am also interested in things that inspire game designers, which online resources, blogs they find to be the best? As a 3d artist I find looking at the amazing stuff people post here daily to be inspirational art wise. But where do all designers go to?

EDIT: Found these: http://critical-gaming.squarespace.com/
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