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Looking for a mentor

This might sound like a dating site info but please bare with me.

My name is Joe and I'm 23 years old. Two years ago I finally realized my true dreams after spending the great majority of my life working manual labor. So after growing tired of hauling beer and kegs down flights of stairs, I looked back into schools. I soon realized my love of playing video games could come to fruition in me creating said video games. I then enrolled in a 2 year certificate program that now has turned into a potential degree (pending accreditation of the school). I initially wanted to be a designer but after taking an intro art class I fell in love with 3Ds Max. The unfortunate part is I've almost entirely been self taught by tutorials on youtube not really allowing myself to improve to the level I want to be at.

So now here I am in my second year of school with not much to show on a reel and I'm hopping to find a mentor who can conduct (let me watch you modeling) skype sessions or just give the tips/tricks/methods of how to create amazing 3d game props/environments. I really find joy while using 3Ds Max so I know I'm doing something right, but I often become discouraged because I don't know how to model clean and precises the first time through. I feel I have a lot of potential and am just looking for the path to access that potential.

Currently I am the Lead Artist on a school project which allows more of a managing role than the 3D artist role I truly desire. However much I do like being the boss I do realize it's impossible to get a Lead role out of school reason why I want to step up my personal modeling.

I realize this is quite a big request but it would be greatly appreciated and never forgot.

I can be contacted:

Email; vandornj@gmail.com
Phone; 309.5329110

The first image of a flashlight is where I started. Then sequential photos are the most recent. The model of the R8 was lost to an external being stolen but I really liked working on it. The cabinet,door, and table were my first attempt at texturing. And the WoWish scene is what I'm working on now. I really enjoyed played WoW prior to the recent expansion but I looked back into it because I really enjoyed the texturing and style of the game.


If those photos don't show up this should be a direct link to the lot of them. http://img190.imageshack.us/g/15442227427069738738289.jpg/

Thanks for your time.


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