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HAVOK integrate function


This is probably not the right forum for this question, but the intel havok forum im trying for this question is never replying any of my questions at all. So im trying here.

Im trying to get my game framerate independent but the integrate function from havok which im using turns out to make it run framerate dependent!
Im quite sure it is only this integrate function, since when I remove it
all works framerate independent.

I am also getting a message from havok that my timestep has changed by a factor 4 since the last frame. This is impossible since the framerate is constantly stable. This message is posted at both low and high framerates.
        // mProxyCharacter is a hkpCharacterProxy.

	hkStepInfo stepInfo;
	stepInfo.m_deltaTime = dt;
	stepInfo.m_invDeltaTime = 1 / dt;
	mProxyCharacter->integrate(stepInfo, gravity); 

        // do stuff with resolved velocity and position in mProxyCharacter


  • Surfa
    Offline / Send Message
    Surfa polycounter lvl 12
    Well I think waiting from a response from the havok forum would be best or try other forums such as gamedev seeing as most of the people here aren't programmers. Also from the code you posted nothing looks wrong but seeing as I don't know what the integrate function does I have no way to tell if something is wrong. You will have more luck just going through and carefully debugging the code then asking here.
  • dikkop
    Yes, i guess its better to just await an answer on intel havok forum.
    Thnx for the reply anyway.
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