Some of you probably saw it at GA mini-DW thread, I was posting under alias for reasons unclear to me. So, I've eaten too much teriyaki possum and quit that minicomp with almost completed model.
Sorry for shitty presentation and pedestal, had to finish it tonight because DW5 starts tomorrow (though will be delayed again, most likely), so let this girl be an inspiration for you, bring more sexy chicks this year!
I skipped the part I hate the most - character rig, made a pose in Zbrush, added crude specular and rendered in Marmoset . Btw, would be fucking cool to be able to render video to frames, coulnd't even find the compression settings for this.
This is what inspired me to make her, a fucking awesome "Evil Homura" figure
Initial "concept" (lol)

am I doing something wrong here? Turnaround supposed to be like 30 seconds long but when I capture it on full resolution, it seems like Marmoset skips frames, and I wanted to cap in in highest possible quality. Any hints?

few in-progress shots
If someone points me to free and non-retarded file hosting I'll share the mesh and texture
upd. got dropbox, here we go
I would suggest Dropbox?
Too bad you eventually had to succumb to social conventions and cover up her boobies, but hey, at least you've got a dong avatar)
great stuff. always a pleasure to see you post.
and yeah, if nothing more appropriate arises, you could dump your stuff on my website.
Like Arkadius said, dropbox. It's awesome. It's free. It's super simple. You get 2 Gb to start with. Just put you shit in the public folder.
my only crit would be to paint the highlights at a more consistent pixel 'subdevision', some of the details/edges r very fine but the final highlights r fat n chunky, creating some contradiction.
second turntable on the way, this one should be longer, like 15 seconds, can't check it now - runs very slow on my laptop.
I was curious and went through your posts on the GA thread... What the hell were you doing
I'mma keep that download for later, for my... research >_>
*runs off to learn how to paint/make slipgate knockoffs*
I seriously love the texturework on this one.
Looks so nice!
Have you got FRAPS? It allows you to capture video at a custom FPS, which would save you a lot of manually grabbing images.
The geo is perfect, the hair don't look slapped on, they seems to collide with the face, even the protuding mouth work with the poly angle. You're really gifted.
Still though looks amazing as usual, thanks so much for sharing the source files!!!!
nope, not this time
you would not see anything new here though, model is pretty simple and texturing process is the same as I always do - baked AO with projection painting
glad to share, hope it helps!
though you have to keep in mind that model is not perfect, I had to sacrifice alot to fit it into 3k limit - there's no eyeballs, knees, elbows and pelvic area could use more edgeloops for correct bending. and there's no working connection between sheath and back, it just hangs there
yeah few people told me that already, I agree. If you take a look at the anime figure I posted link in first post, she has even bigger sword and it seems to be working. But I had to simplify it, which was a mistake
Loving it. Very cool stuff.
I checked your video tutorials about Deep paint 3D. It's work until maya 8.0 and old version of Photoshop or work in a newer versions of maya and photoshop? your technical is impressive.
But seriously, I've always enjoyed seeing your progress and final renders, and this one is just as impressive as ever.
The way things are here, do you have any small auto twisting and rotating bone for the shoulder between the upper arm and torso to keep the verticals from collapsing into each other when it rotates? Or some sort of skinning magic that makes those slender arms work so well?
Slipgate, you've always been a hero of art to me, and this is a small masterpiece. I'm certain you would have placed with this character, no doubt. Keep at it!
I'm embarrassed enough to save this to my \cool3D\ folder at work as I sometimes show my saved images to others at various occasions.
Nice work by the way. Top notch as always.
As note for slipgatecentral; more please!
I just noticed I fucked up face a little by keeping hard edges on it - looks bit too harsh with Marmoset lighting
but not going to fix it, let it be
I'm honored, sir!
haha I just got the pre-painted one 3 days ago, that was a good kick for me to get it done
the more I hear this the more I regret not making the bare boobs, lol
well, damn, watch me doing full frontal in 3d soon
I hate you.
nice work
Slipgate You do AO projection from Lopoly model?