Hi Polycount :poly142:![Heavy Loading]
It's about time I tackle to something new in my free time! It's been nearly 5 months since my last big environment which was based off LOTR's Helms Deep. All the characters dudes are
going to have their DW5 anyway.
Note: I moved the project to CE3 and that may explain confusion in following posts.
Note2: This map project is now done, here's the final screen shots following:

And a timelapse I made modelling one of the assets..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FBCTI4MLMo"]Cliff model timelapse Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4zjkvxUQnY"]Cliff model timelapse Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
No ideas from me so far. Just curious to see you inspirations, to know more what what you're shooting for.
XRevan23, jimmypopali: Thanks, always good to hear interest!
PogoP: It is indeed similar, but at work we work on modern/urban era environments withs Crysis2 and I really dont want to do more urban when back home if you see what I mean. I did some sci-fi like for the Beatemup contest and didnt want to go for it again neither
cholden: Cool to see you around. How does this bolded title stuff works? I don't seem to have this in my own polycount.
Mr_Paris, d1ver: just edited the first post with some inspiration, tho it'll take the full potential when I reveal the terrain blockout.
I should get the broadband on Thursday so this should speed up my process grealty. :thumbup:
On a side note how is Nottingham
curse you!
I finally have broadband at home, time to start doing kick ass stuff.
What you can see here is first tests of the block-out terrain cliffs and castle, I still have to model the path to the fortress, which will be easy with soft selection and stuff. Everything's temporary still, but this gives you a better sense of scale hopefuly
You going to drop it into Cryengine?
Anyway, ive subscribed.
Btw can we have a closer shot of it? thanks!
Loved Helm's deep. Can't wait for more.
[Edit]: Just checked out your portfolio. Man, I love it all.
I was thinking this when I saw the terrain, although he did use a static mesh for the terrain in his LOTR piece, this could always be zbrushed/mudbox'd.
I've got a good and a bad news:
The Bad: I'm probably going to enter the BRAWL contest enviro comp.
The Good: I'm probably going to enter the BRAWL contest enviro comp!!!
So in the meantime I'll put this on hold, it's not like it's not going to be finished. I'll come back to it. Which is a good thing since tessellation is pretty fucked up on the UDK at the moment anyway.
Long time no update in this thread, I decided to dedicate one day to the DX11 tests for this piece, as it's going to be an important feature of it.
Made my way through the still buggy UDK tessellation and was able to get this:
Pics straight from the editor, as you can see, there's the famous UV seams that come with displacement, and that's not sexy.
SO, here it is, project reboot, I'm going for a more orient styled castle rather that the classic european stones.
I have no blockouts to show actually, just a few modular walls that are still work in progress, hence the huge triangle waste at some places.
Fully optimized segment is around 1550 tris, and the others around 2.5k-4k (bent ones). 5 textures at the moment, everything tilable.
Comments and critiques really appreciated guys
By the way, if a kind moderator can change the topic name and remove the [UDK], he/she will get cookies.
also you can see a seam in the second picture toward the top right, on the window.
How is the CE3?
Well, it's extremely powerful in its lighting, no need to make UV2 stuff on all your models, the IBL is great, better SSAO and soon the SSDO coming, I dont know, the engine is so good for iterating globally it's a time saver compared to the UDK. I can in one button check my model ingame which I would regret now if I had to re-import every time in UDK. Same goes for textures. And I certainly forget features.
And yeah, the sticking bricks are at the moment the same repeated over each asset, I need to fine tune this.
I find the main stone brick texture quite a bit boring at the moment, too. I'll have one more pass on it. Thing is, I'm always afraid to create too much patterns in it when doing that.
Edit: Added pics of updated assets, wires.
How do you plan on making a smooth transition from your plateau mesh to the normal terrain surrounding it?
Also, if I understand correctly, tessellation increases the mesh's density the closer you get to it? And it applies displacement on the new higher density areas according to a height/displacement/diffuse map?
Looks great by the way! Wasn't able to find the UV seam(s) upon first glance. Is it a common issue with tessellation?
If there was anything I'd say, it would be about the separating line where the walls meet the rock underneath (if you know what I mean). If it were me I would have the urge to push the vertical variation of it further, like have the side of a tower extend further down the mountainside or something. If that makes sense. But then again, it's not me, so.
Great work!
I was thinking of intersecting both terrain actor and static mesh shamelessly really.:poly124: I dont have the patience to make it snap in this case and would have hidden it with foliage/decals/whatsoever :poly136:
For the tesselation in UDK it produces seams, yeah. But last time I checked on UDN which is like a month ago now, it said it was because the DX11 tesselation isnt final yet, or something. It shouldnt produce seams normaly.
@Nix: thanks for the feedback, I assume you commented on the previous pages terrain? If so, I might be doing something different now in CE3 since the same workflow is not possible for the terrain. (You're not playing with nodes for materials and it doesn't export UV2 for separate tiling).
Is it still going to be a mountain fortress? I love those.
Thats to say udk sucks?
do you happen to have any textures to show off... I love seeing how other people create there textures for modulars.
and just a little question wath is your grid setting on max ?
good luck
Particularly Interested to see what kind of mood you go for on this one. Good luck!
As polygonfreak asked, here's a picie of the textures used at the moment (originally 2048 - nothing special here, and most can still be refined I think):
@Nix: It's still about a mountain fortress, yes. What would an exterior enviro be without mountains :poly142:
ayoub44: brick texture was made from a single stone sculpt, assembled in max and baked. High frequencies such as cracks are crazybumped and then mixed.
Trim texture was fully zbrushed. Oh and grid setup is centimeters with meter display. Would have been another for UDK, like generic units and a grid step each 32 or 64.
I am not sure yet of the mood I want. The only thing I am sure of is the set. I want this big mountain peak with the castle on it, huge lush waterfalls, if only I could print the picture I have in my mind.:)
@toxic_h2o: cheers!
Looking great so far man! Will have my eyes on this one
Just wanted to ask what is the learning curve for CE3?, I'm not a technical artist so I'm hoping you tell me it's pretty user friendly.... for material creation as well? + the fact that it doesn't have the tutorial library that UDK has.
....and is there not such a reliance on using the grid, as in UDK?