when rendering to texture, I am using multiple objects baked on to a low poly mesh and would like have an alpha for each element without separating the high res mesh. ie a high res torso might have 12 different elements , but they are all attached.
I am renderig out a diffuse, so can use the magic wand to select the different colours in pshop, but would like the cleaner alphas rendered out also.
is there an easy way to do this or am I missing the point and approaching it wrong?
select by colour range still gives me slightly weird edges
OR what about output it with alpha, hold shift and click the alpha channel to get better selection? Remember you can toss a bunch of alpha channels in the channels menu and use that method to house various selections. The trick is knowing the file format you save/export to and how it will handle all the extra alpha channels. I think most formats ignore all but the first one?
BTW I recently discovered 'paste in place' in photoshop. what a godsend:)
Mark did you mean copy the diffuse in to the alpha channel, then shift select to gte a clean slection. perhaps I misunderstood what you were getting at
refine edges really helps. I think I can just about manage to get what I am after using magic wand+refine edges
Also, it requires some work and it might already have been scripted, but if you separate out each material ID to its own UV channel you can select each UV channel and render out just that? It's too bad RTT doesn't have a way to selectively render out material ID's... or if it does I haven't ever found it.
lol me too ruz
I would hold down ctrl+alt and drag one layer from a file into another and it will land in the correct position in the new file, provided you don't have anything selected which I think might do the same thing?
ha rollin, I could have kicked myself
anyway I will try 'totex' - cheers for the link
edit - yeah that script is fantastic, did just what i wanted and knocks out nice AO maps too