EDIT: Update. The Normals seem to be fixed in Maya now. With Backface culling turned on the shaded side is all correct. Yet when I import it into Mudbox it still shows the model as being transparent. This is really frustrating..
^Left is in Maya, with Backface culling on, I exported as OBJ and imported to Mudbox. On the Right is how it looks. If I use the send to mudbox tool the model comes into the scene completely see through. What on earth is causing this?
Hi guys, pretty new around here but have been lurking for a while. Whilst I know I've not really posted anything in Pimping & Previews yet, I have been intending to post my current piece of work in there soon. However, I've just run into a problem that forces me to post now, and unfortunately in order to seek technical help.
Let me explain the problem.
Here is a model I have been working on :
As you can see, it's one full model, and the UV's are not laid out as of yet. I wanted to take this model into Mudbox in order to move the verts and what not around faster, and then bring it back to Maya to do the UV work etc.
I tried to use the 'import select to mudbox' function in maya, but Mudbox threw up an FBX error on import and so that did not work. Strange.
So I looked for errors, and could find none. I decided to try to extract the head model to its own object and see if I could just import that. Here's the weird glitch I got from that :
Everything goes a weird messy black. So I decided to extract the whole model as an OBJ and reimport into a new scene in Maya. I did so and get :
The model won't even acknowledge that there is a shader on it, it just stays black.
Finally, I tried to import that obj into mudbox. The model just goes see through like this :
I really hope somebody can help me. Spent quite some time modelling this up, bit frustrated because I was in the zone!
That seems to have fixed the problems in Maya.
I just have to figure out why Mudbox is throwing up an fbx error when i try to send it over to mudbox.