Our Mission is to :
Provide the most unique gaming experience the gaming world has to offer gamers.We are gamers just like most of you who love games just as much as you do. Here at Quantum Studios your feedback and suggestions matter to us, no suggestion is bad and no suggestion is overlooked. Relax, take a look around, and give us your suggestions! After all your the ones playing our games
Breakdown :
Accept is a science fictional game set in the future. It is an RPG/FPS, which will take advantage of various tactical game play mechanics (Such as Team Play) and as well as RPG elements. There will be no shortage of customization in the game world. The game would be made within a series starting from before the Earth meets its doom, how it meets its doom or if it even does, is up to you entirely. From there the other games would pick up on the beginning series' end.
Accept is an RPG so to confine to one story line would be immoral in the video game world, the choice is your to our known universe's fate. The first of story lines we offer is the human. As the human you grow up to soon meet an uninvited arrival of extra terrestrial visitors, you later find out your are the successor to the leader of their kind. (More information will be released later on during production) The decision is yours to fight along with them to conquer the galaxy, or protect the Earth as it has you from other universal dangers. The second storyline is to be a member of the race seeking to conquer. In doing so you will become the brother of the king of your kind. You are the current leader due to the fact that the right heir to your fathers throne is not to be found. Upon arrival to Earth you can decide to destroy it along with your own blood, or simply run it dry for its resources until your heart desires to move on to another planet to conquer. The other storyline we offer is that of a neutral race. In picking this part you will be neutral with in all battles between earth and the evil race and simply just carry out communications and trade between the two colonies. You will play the role of a General and your choice will be to either aide to Earths defense or begin building up your own's because you know an attack on your own home planet is imminent. The last story line to offer is that of an ancient lost alien civilization. You were long ago allies with Earth in it's B.C. Era, you were even responsible for helping build such marvels as the pyramids. Due to a catastrophic event your home planet was left stranded floating in space without an orbit to follow. Soon your planet finds a new sun light years away and begins a new orbit. Your colony then begins quickly rebuilding and restoring communications. As a prophetic race, you were away of the imminent attack on the Earth to come so your main goal will be to make it back to aide your allies in need before they become completely extinct as you were once thought to be. You will play the part as a Private who kept in close communications with the older leaders of the Earth. Your choices will impact the time of your arrival, you can choose to arrive in perfect timing to help your allies in what will soon be your race's last battle or you may choose to selfishly take your time to protect your own colonies well being. Either way the choice is yours. As you can see the game will consist of 4 Races for the first series, with one of them becoming extinct. (Other information is still confidential and to be released further into production)
Breakdown 2 :
As you can see Accept has a deep immense storyline set for it, but in order to do so we will need a more than devoted team who loves the Sci-Fi genre as much as we do. Everyone's opinion and voice count's team member or not, Accept is a game made to satisfy not to disagree, every bit of the communities input matters to us. As a member you will play a major role not only in your job position but also in the story line. This is a long term project so indulging your self in endless work hours is not expected, as long as your a devoted and motivated team worker.
For more information about the series, community or on applying to become a member of the team visit our site at :
Quantum Game Studios (Still a WIP)
For a direct list to Job Openings :
Quantum Game Studios - Job Opportunities
You can contact us for Job Opportunities at
Jobs@Quantumstudios.net or you may contact me directly at
Or you may refer to the list below for open positions.
Art Department:
(Number next to title indicates, currently enrolled staff members)
Character Artist--1
The Character Artist will be responsible for building and texturing creatures and characters for products.
Concept Artist--2
The Concept Artist creates a diverse visual range of characters, environments, architecture, and related game assets for products. A solid grasp of form, structure, color, and light for 2D art assets is essential.
FX Artist--N/A
The FX Artist will be responsible for designing and creating high quality particle effects for products.
World Artist--2
The World Artist will model and texture high and low resolution 3D environmental assets that will be used in game environments.
Design Department:
The Animator will animate creatures and characters for products.
Level Designer--1
The Level Designer will design, build, and script levels for products.
Sound Designer--2
The Sound Designer will be responsible for adding sounds as well as music for products.
Story Designer--2
The Story Designer would be responsible for designing and documenting stories and quests for products.
Programming Department:
Game Programmer--1
The Game Programmer will write and develop application specific code based on design requirements. The Game Programmer will work closely with artists, other programmers, designers and producers to implement game features.
UI Programmer--2
The UI Programmer will be primarily responsible for helping design, implement, and maintain the game UI for products
Please do not hesitate to apply for any position as long as your skill applies to the topics.
We now bid you farewell with some concept art

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