I've always used the "default Scanline" renderer in max for everything including baking AO and normalmaps. However, I've been doing a little research and I've seen conflicting opinions that MR is faster for basic rendering tasks like these (especially with multi-core CPUs). I just wanted to ask if there is much truth in this - I've recently found that baking normalmaps in max from ZBrush'd models (even optimized down to sub-1mil tri counts) takes an absurdly long time and I can't fathom why. I'm wondering if Scanline might be the reason.
Any insight or links would be great, thanks.
It is indeed true, “multi bucket render” or "Multi core rendering" will increase the speed of your render.Of course speed will come down to your settings but it will be probably faster using Mental Ray.
to address some specifics,
if your using go-z keep in mind max applies a direct x material to your hi-poly object.
i haven't tested what the result of baking with this applied is, but swap to default materials to be sure.
i would avoid rendering normal maps in mentalray, the sampling quality (more specifically the aliasing where meshes intersect) needed to match the scan line, makes its normal map renders much longer. but it is faster at low sampling rates. but generally and for consistency i always use scan line with the hammerssly sampler for nm.
for AO, i use mental ray, i just like the control and results i get, if your AO bake is going slow, try using the ao shader in the diffuse slot then just render a diffuse bake.hopefully this helps a little, and post your file if you wan't someone to look at it.
I'm not even sure this is a hardware issue because I've been baking anything from 2-4mil in the last year on the same machine with no issues (although these meshes were modelled totally in max using a cage mesh and subdivided). The only similar issue I've run into previously was baking from 5.5mil+ and this was literally 3dsmax crashing due to running out of RAM.
Example file:
bad quality bakes, I've tried it already.
Though, i never really used it on the kind of mesh you're describing, i mean, one with slightly less than what youd expect of a completely sculpted object. I mostly did it on characters and very high density stuff. They always came out fine for me.