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[Portfolio] Daniel Dexter-Taylor

polycounter lvl 14
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SaferDan polycounter lvl 14
Hey guys i am a secnd year university sutdent and I am hoping for a placement for next year.

I have made a site and was just wondering what you guys thought of it.

It obviously needs more content but i can't do a whole lot about that as i just don't have the time due to uni work

So honestly, is it worth me even trying?



  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Definetly worth it Dan. You're in a win / win situation. You apply and have a chance of getting an Internship. You apply and don't hear back or get a reply saying sorry we're not recruiting, but you get your name in their database and possibly on record for a second time around application.
  • edoran89
    Go for it! There is never any harm in trying for these things, i got one with the military and it was well worth it.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    you never know until you try
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    I can't really tell ya, never had the chance while I was in school to apply to anything. The generator looks like a coffee maker to me, however don't let this discourage you because I took a look at the concept and it too looks like a coffee machine to me, you followed the concept quite well :)
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    I would work on stronger lighting for the house you have. I think it's pretty nice, but not very exciting!

    It wouldn't hurt to flesh out the ground and put in some trees later on either.
  • mrturtlepaste
    Hey, your site is really easy to navigate and pretty straight forward. Couple things, I think it would be awesome if you incorporated some of the little dings and scratches from the generator concept into your texture to give it a bit more character.

    Also, the way you are presenting your texture flats right now is pretty ineffective. If you maybe devoted an image for the flats themselves it would be much better. As of now it is almost impossible to even see what your textures look like.

    Another thing, get your name and email/website url on all your images. You will hear time and time again that employers may save an image off a site that they like and if it doesn't have a name on it they will forget who it was that created it.

    Good luck with your search Dan!
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 14
    Thank you all for the replies I guess I'll go for it then!

    DDuckworth - Thanks man, Yeah i showed Jouste, the guy who drew it and he was like yeah it looks like a sewing machine! But yeah his concepts are amazing!

    fmnoor - Yeah well that was for a university project and I ran out of time presentation wise so I think when i get back to it in the summer ill add some trees for sure! I also need to learn so much more about lighting tbh but now is as good as any I guess!

    mrturtlepaste - Yeah you know what? I tdidnn't even think about the scratches! I will be sure to add them! Thank you for the other suggestions too :) I shall do them too :)
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