Hey guys and gals, well its been a while ,and even though im rocking 3 hours away in crazy P Town where the 90's never left.
I figure in honor of Jesse Mood Coming into the seattle greater area to do a big ass meetup.
And in honor of god old St.Pattrick ,I suggest a polycount St pattys meetup
Green tooth and green beer.
How does Friday the 18th sound (yes its one day after st pattys but its a friday and some of us have to drive a few hours down)
So I suggest 8pm meetup on Friday the 18th for some Green beer! Whos in?!

He's living in kirkland right now last I heard?
I'm in the Juanita neighborhood in northern Kirkland. I have a small townhouse with a back yardy thing. Come on over, grab a drink, and stay awhile! I will post an event on Facebook later today and send the link here, glad to see a few local PCers friend requesting me! It's been awhile since a PC meetup, let's fix that!
Also chatting with Seforin he was thinkin a PC meetup before the party, a dinner group... something lower key so we can include as many folks as possible.
I's IN!
Crashing overnight at my place is fine, I got a hide-a-bed couch even, but if plenty of people end up crashing here, the first folks to volunteer help cleanup and/or offer to buy me fries on a possible crack of dawn Denny's run get preference on hide a bed comfort!
so are we still on people?
Since we know many people here dont do well with large crowds or a sea of people...we figured to make the polycount meetup a bit earlier for those of you who just wanna come and meetup with the local game dev's(*cough nerds*) In the area ;p
So with all that said 7pm we meet up at EBaggs, have a few drinks tell some funny stories have a good time...and those who are up for a more rowdy time can stay till 9 when the ST pattys party is gonna start.
For all the info Go on BookFace And add Ebagg event page;
Matabus: Do me a favor, tell Matt Lefters(your animator guy) to bring his sorry butt along, I havent seen him in forever! Tell him Remi owes him a drink!
looking forward to catching up with everyone!
Pretty sure I don't have anything going on so I'll be there man! I got you message on FB but kept forgetting to respond heheh.
Just a FYI its still on !
... and so on
for fucks sake
I'll be driving tomorrow, see you all Saturday!
I have one week of employment left and I'm busting ass working on new shit. Yes I could use a break, but I'd rather have a job so I'll have to pass.
I'll bring extra beer for the next meet.
Festivities start right now folks!