1:But I just figured out how to strip one of those zombie concubines naked. 2: *That* is what I'm talking about. How do you do it? 1: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. 2 : I]enters code[/I Boobs.
"Come to me, clouds. May you rise as an evil storm born to rip them open. Let the cover of night bear witness and destroy those who resist so they shall harm me not. Let the blood of many cleanse me, preserving beauty eternal, I pray you."
1:When fear cripples you, when death's dark shadow surrounds you, drop a rose. It will help you... Stay Alive. 2: We should drop one when we meet up with a boss we can't face. 3: Yeah, the undead can't cross the twig of a wild rose. 2: That is what happens when you read too much goth chick lit.
"Come to me, clouds. May you rise as an evil storm born to rip them open. Let the cover of night bear witness and destroy those who resist so they shall harm me not. Let the blood of many cleanse me, preserving beauty eternal, I pray you."
2: We should drop one when we meet up with a boss we can't face.
3: Yeah, the undead can't cross the twig of a wild rose.
2: That is what happens when you read too much goth chick lit.