Hi everyone, just wanted to break away from my normal thread and post a link to my updated portfolio here to see what you all think of the content. Obviously I'm using a Deviant Art made portfolio website at the moment so theres not that much I can do site wise besides basic layout changes.
Anyway I'm labeling myself as a 3D artist for the moment as I'm applying to smaller studios that'll be looking for more general art roles as opposed to the specialised roles of big companies. Hence why I don't have just characters or just level stuff, it's got a bit of everything. Heres the link:
Also I can't get rid of that damn homepage thing! Just won't let me do it
Hope you like it
uv example-
high example-
darker strips are just an idea if you choose to put strips in. although the concept just seems like flat panels.
But content is good, some really nice sculpted folds on that jumpsuit, really like it ^^
edit: get your resume on there, maybe in a separate page or in your bio?
I am really liking that first sculpt that shows up of Ian. The likeness is spot on. Are you planning on pushing it further?
Anyway, I'm going to agree with oobersli, the walkway is not helping your portfolio much. I think it is great that you want to show the importance of modular assets, but maybe if you revisit it for a couple hours you could really make it shine.
I did a quick paintover to show you a few ideas you could play with.
your flash/java thing takes too long to load. I'd just put up the images themselves
Without your header of your name being an artist i would not have known what this website was about. need to show off your work right away!
Also what I have seen in other threads here, your name and email (or a similar specific contact info) should be on EVERY image file. Because an interested employer browsing portfolios may save images, even print them, and later he or she will need to be able to track them back to you.
oobersli: the team I made this prop for wanted it done this way, they told me to make a model. As for not needing a corner piece, how?? If its to match the concept it needs one as far as I can see. Also the highpoly model was made, although the strips were photosourced and then converted to greyscale in photoshop before I used the XNormal filter to convert it to a normal map. No crazybump! Although yeah maybe those strips are a little too noisy, I'll try going back to it and change things around. Thanks
JustinPunio: Yeah like I said in my initial post I can't get rid of that at all, I have a carbonmade portfolio too but people bitched about how it compresses images and doesnt leave a named url address for an image lol At least deviant can give you the full res image if you want it so I went with that. Thanks for liking the content though!
mrturtlepaste: Yes I'll have to attach my resume like you said, and yes I will be doing more with the ian mckellen model, theres a few things to correct with the model first though :O I like the paintover though, thank you! I'll give it another look over
Jet_Pilot: Was thinking of that but I decided to go with "best first to least best" rather than completely seperate them, bad idea people? Leave a comment if you think so!
n88tr: I'm with one on that one but I don't really have anything "homepagey" enough to replace the welcome message. I prefered the more professional Welcome over just some random image thrown straight at you. As far as the Java goes, blame Deviant art for that, I can't do anything with that I'm afraid.
Thanks for all the comments everyone!