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Somersault Anim - Please Crtitique

polycounter lvl 8
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Tad Ghostal polycounter lvl 8
I did this animation this weekend and would love to get some feedback:

v2: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev3_vpcJUmM[/ame]


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Thats more of a ghetto handspring, than an actual roll. This is way more common, and comfortable: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/023/0/3/Parkour___Roll_by_AlexPav.jpg
    thats how you start doing it as a beginner, but try it your self in real life and watch some parkour videos. Typically you start doing it one handed, and you roll across your back at a diagonal from the back of the shoulder of the leading arm, to the back of the opposite hip
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not too sure these ancient ninja masters knew of something as elaborate as parcour or "ghetto armspring" and your laws of rolling around "the right way" can be applied here :o
    On a serious note, I don't know why there should be only one way of doing such kind of jump and I don't see any connection to parcour at all :/

    To me this looks like a serious and credible animation of a person quickly passing a gap, ninja-style. Pardon if it's not a ninja :D
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    Acumen : I think they do, actually


    this video is about ninjutsu technique, not sure it's super awesome as far as real technique goes, but if you look carefully, you'll see that the exact same principles depicted in ZacD's image are applied, so his comment is valid to me.

    now I'm totally not an animation pro, however I'd second ZacD's comment and add that it looks a bit stiff right now, but I'll let the anim pros give proper crits on that :)
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    looking sweet :)
    my current workplace has made me kind of "meh, its good enough".. and this surely is. I'm sure you'll get lots of useful crits from people here, who still have inspiration and will to do so ;D

    I'm gonna go off the beaten path of "it has to be realistic" and understand that you're going for style here.

    I'd say the secondary motion is totally fine. I like the spacing and timing, the kind of snap, you get at the end before it goes back all the way.

    I hate to bring up this cliche crit, but I feel that we're missing some anticipation before the jump. I'm not saying you have to pull him back, before having him jump forward. fuck that.
    I would however like to see if you could add a little dip of the hips, before he shoots off.
    excuse the drawing, paint and all that:


    first one being what you might have now, from his crouched pose (the first key,heh) to his jump one I guess (the last key)
    second one being the whole doing it by the book anticipation, "have to move back before going forward! *evil pointy finger*" /yawn
    third one is where we are creative (I guess, fuck if I know) and just adding a inbetween key that moves us a tad down, widening our knees apart a bit, before flinging of. kinda like a frog I guess.

    I'm not gonna mention the choppy feeling you have right as his hands contact with the ground and he flips over. we'll just call that style, and a style decision for now :) maybe somebody else will have a gripe with it and tell you how to "fix" it.

    cant really framestep this, but as his right hand leaves the floor, it flips?
    managed to stop the playback just as his back touches the floor. his hands are still poiting the way they came into the flip.
    as he does the flip, have the hands rotate outwards.
    try it real quick on your desk right NOW! do eeeeeeeeeet!
    put your flat hand on the desk and try to move your elbow over it. meh, it works until you start lifting of with the back of the palm, and then your fingers just get stretched and you die. and we havent even tried to do a flip yet!
    try the same thing, but rotate your hand......................I did it, kinda works better when rotating in, if our goal is to move the elbow over..

    I'm babbling.
    just rotate the hands outwards during the flip! ;D

    I wouldnt bother with extending limbs as far as they can, before the jump or the landing or the flip.
    think they are extended and what not, enough right now.

    can't really see too many faults with this one.
    might just want to bump it up to v2, tops v3 based on somebody elses crits.

    then move on to another one!
    you've got a nice character there, do some more animations with him! :)
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    someone had to provide :D

    Well, I just think these are two different "rolls", that's all. I've seen and done both in real life - hooray gymnastic exercise :D

    My point was, that these are two different ways of moving and achieving things. The animation by Tad Ghostal is more of a distance jump roll, while the technique ZacD posted has other uses and benefits.
  • Tad Ghostal
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    Tad Ghostal polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for all of the critiques. I got a little busy and just finally got around to making some changes based on all the input. Here's the latest version, any more comments are welcomed.

    v2: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev3_vpcJUmM[/ame]
  • aeryis
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    aeryis polycounter lvl 10
    Animation's coming along fine. How'd you rig the secondary action of his mask? Dynamics?
  • Tad Ghostal
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    Tad Ghostal polycounter lvl 8
    @aerys: Thanks. The animation on the mask is all keyframed.
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