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I am looking for someone to help me with a school assignment

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beefskewr polycounter lvl 8
Hi all,
My name is Jason Palmer. I am a first year student at Madison Media Institute. I have an assignment that I need to ask a modeler 8 questions and present it to the class. I ended up getting a hold of a couple people that said they would answer the questions, but its been almost 2 weeks later and no response. Now the assignment is due, this week and I am in panic mode. It dawned on me this morning that I am a member of this forum, and I could ask some of you (yeah I am that quick, lol). So I am hoping someone here can answer these questions, either thru this thread, or PM me. If you do answer em, can I request a link to your web page?
Here they are:

What inspired you to become a modeler?
What is a typical day at work like?
What programs do you use the most on a day to day basis?
What is your favorite part of your job?
Do you have allot of influence on the design of your models, or are there others in the company that determine the outcome?
What are some common mistakes you see newer modelers make, and how can they avoid making them?
It seems like a tough industry to break into, how did you do it, and what were the pitfalls?
Is there any advice you can give me and my fellow classmates so we can succeed?
Looking back at your career, is it everything you expected it to be?
Thanks in advance for your help!! It's really appreciated.


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