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Wikivic's ongoing handpainted texture thread

I have a lot of texture painting to do over the next few weeks and really want to improve as much as possible throughout, so thought I'd start one big thread that I could update as I go (and bug people with incessant questions :poly139: )

...not that I was at all inspired by these threads...


Anyway, my project is very sci-fi so my main challenge of the moment is handpainting metals!

Its quite a low-poly project, with an upbeat, fun and simple look overall, so my biggest inspiration for the style of the textures is Torchlight: but as if Torchlight was sci-fi.

Here's something I painted earlier this year, which is kind of the style I want to achieve (but better looking...)



My main problem is understanding how to paint metals when all you've got is a diffuse texture to work with. I've made the odd next-gen metal object before, and for those I would immediately look to reflection and specular maps to give it the feel of metal, but I don't have those to work with here.

Any crit or advice would be much appreciated! :)


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