I work in perspective view most times and everytime I rotate from a top-down or left view to perspective I have to press "P" and mostly "Z" before I have my object focused again.
Is there a way to get directly into my perspective view without entering the ortho-view over and over again?
at least no mouse clicks require
P is to change viewport to perspective view, and then Z to zoom extents.
I'd like to know how are your shortcuts set, scripts etc. Been using 3ds clean, love it btw!
et voila, this'll cut a keypress off.
save the script in your script startup folder.
run it.
Go to customise UI
click the keyborad tab
set the category to "rt_ui_tools"
click 'switch to perspective and frame'
click into hotkey and press P
click assign
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40227" -- Views: Save Active View
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40228" -- Views: Restore Active View
And I tried to use them ahead of a view switch such as
max vpt persp user or actionMan.executeAction 0 "40182 -- Views: Perspective User View
to do this, but keep getting a false.
To reiterate, using the default Max hotkeys: In P, press T --saves P, goes to T. In T press P --restores P, not T view in P.
That's a good idea/cool and all, but most of that stuff is already shortcuted. If not on keys, can use use ctrl or shift and quads to change views or use different pivots or lighting modes.
T for Top, an P for perspective, L for Left, whats so hard to remember that? :P
thats just... well nevermind ^^
I really appreciate any tips, hints and advices but it sounds a bit arrogant to tell people they should look for another "hobby" if they use default shortcuts.
I really don't see something wrong using default shortuts because they are easy to rememeber in most cases. I have most shortcuts arranged on the left side of my keyboard because I work with the right hand on the mouse all the time and press keys with left hand.
Unfortunalty a lot of people don't change the UI or shortcuts to works more efficient. But telling them to quit 3d is a bit hard in my opinion.
I like Per's alternative numpad method. I would add a toggle for Realistic shading (currently set for me at 7). The realistic method gives great viewport results, however it solves iteratively so you get a flash and then it settles in every time you do something in the viewport. It's annoying for working, but if you take it a step down it goes away and if allow yourself to toggle it on and off when needed, it rocks.
I also fully agree the defaults in max are horrible and considering you can save/import the shortcuts you might as well take 30-40min to lay them out logically for how you work, and be thankful you're saving your wrists, hands and time. It helped me to record myself while working and play it back so I could see what was taking the longest. It will greatly help you to move away from a button interface to a keyboard shortcut. It also helped to fire up Silo and Modo and get used to their workflows, awesome apps and give great insight into how max should probably operate.
But I think it's not the best advice from You if you say people should get another hobby if they use default shortcuts. In my opinion this sounds arrogant and is not the proper way to talk to people who maybe do 3d as a hobby and put a lot of effort into their work, even using default shortcuts because you imply everyone is a unprofessional if he don't modify a tool. If you say the should get another hobby you want them quit 3d so i was right ther.
Someone can be professional even if he uses a tool without modifiying it. To bad my english isn't that detailed to describe my interpretation in a way a want.
works for me.
only app ive found to have a logical hotkey setup from a modelers perspective not a programmers is Silo.
After trying a few methods I'd say this is the best logic. I'd definitely like to try out one of those keyboards that have a load of hotkeys on the lhs too.
Thanks for the video. So, just so I'm clear, remapping the viewport hotkeys fixes this behavior?
1. 4 view layout
2. switch to maximized perspective
3. switch to top view
4. switch to perspective (but it is a perspective view of the top, not the original perspective)
5. 4 view layout
What am I missing?
Yes, those are the commands I am using (I listed max vpt persp user in my first post), but same result.
Will advise tomorrow, and thanks for the patient help.