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Monsters and Creature Designs

Mind Traveler
polycounter lvl 16
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Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
Peace Polycounters. I am looking forward to sharing with you all my 2011 personal work portfolio. Here we have some new models and some not overly new, but hopefully you all still dig it. Feedback, questions, and critiques are most welcomed. Cheers. - Anwar



  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Oooh the second to last plane sculpt is my favorite, I really love the design, has a shadow of the colossus kind of feel to it!

    As for the first thing I can't barely tell what it is covered in, is it cloth like mummy wraps? or is it just his skin? Some texture or polypaint on this one would be really helpful with this guy.
  • sketch81
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    You've got awesome skills dude and a wild imagination. I really like the last sculpt, it's got great personality and would love to see it textured. Keep up the good work!
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    My girlfriend just said that the last one would make for an awesome door knocker, just put a big ring through his nose that would hit his chin.

    They all look brilliant mate :D
  • woogity
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    hey man great drop! im impressed with how much detail you are getting out of those plane sculpts, cool stuff!
  • foreverendering
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    foreverendering polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Anwar,

    It's great to see some new work from you. These sculpts are looking awesome.
  • joesolo
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    Hey Man,

    It really is good to see you posting up some new work. Your warrior sculpt is one of your best works to date man. It's really great to see how far you have come. I think the plane studies are a great idea, and they seem like a lot of fun to do too. Keep the fire comin!

  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    whoa! that dude at the bottom is awesome! I love the quality of the surfaces. great stuff!
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Moose: thank you moose

    Joesolo: Thanks Joe. Loving that earthworm Jim suit.

    Jeremy! Hey man. Its been awhile, too long. Are you going to be at gdc this week? Glad you are digging this stuff. Looking forward to new stuff from you :-)

    Woogity: Thanks homie. Yea the plane sculpts are really fun exercises.

    Mathew: Thanks man. Tell your girlfriend I said she's hilarious! Lol.

    Sketch 81: Thanks dude! Words like that are really inspiring for me :-)

    Dduckworth: haga cool name man. Thanks for feedback dude. As for king Zambe (the first creature) I am in the process of texturibg him and am really working to make sure the different surfaces ate easily identified :-) thanks again man!

    I will post more stuff soon. Peace. -A
  • Genocide
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  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Genocide: Thank you man!

    Peace Polycounters, I have been working on trying to flush out the color direction and feel of this guy via Polypaint in Zbrush. This is early WIP with Base colors applied shot straight from Zbrush. Still a lot more color work I would like to do before taking him to mudbox to start playing with projecting textures and overlays, as well as working on his shader etc etc. Peace. -A

  • barnesy
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    barnesy polycounter lvl 9
    That is looking amazing with just base colours! I think the beads are abit too big though :\
    I look forward to seeing this finished :)
  • IdiotDrummerGuy
    I remember seeing your work at GDC, but I don't think we had enough time for proper feedback XD good to see you on polycount!

    everything looks great man, my only critiques are to do a nice, clean, hard-surface sculpt to add some variety and to bake more of it to low-poly models.

    other than that, the only thing I can really see is that I REALLY need to up my zbrush skill!

    good stuff amigo
  • JeremyRM
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    JeremyRM polycounter lvl 8
    This is some great stuff man and I love the paint job so far.
  • eof
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    eof polycounter lvl 16
    Great job, highly inspiring!
  • Zelzaan
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    really beautiful creature-sculpts! Looking forward to see more.
  • OtrickP
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    OtrickP polycounter lvl 9
    Very nice! Makes me hate myself for beings so comfortable with Mudbox...time to switch! The last sculp of the rock type creature is my favorite. I would love to texture it!
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Whoa, peace guys, thanks guys for the feedback, I really appreciate that you dig the sculpts and the progression on the painting thus far, its very humbling and means a lot to me, seriously.

    barnesy: Thanks for feedback man. I am still working on grounding the beads and will definitely continue effort into giving them a natural feel.
    itismario: Thanks man!
    IdiotDrummerGuy: Hey man. Thanks for your thoughts and feedback. I really appreciate its helpfullness. I do a lot of high-poly low low poly texture paint bake normal map stuff at work and because of that I often find sculpting and trying to come up with new characters as a kind of exhale and inspiration to keep the creative process growing. You are right though and I will put in more time and effort to show some low poly normal mapped and hard surface work in my personal works. Thank you again. Also, you said we meet at GDC? What is your name lol.
    JeremyRM: Thank you friend. Poly-painting is definitely becoming a more and more joyous experience with every model I paint.
    eof: Wow. Thanks dude.
    Zelzaan: Thanks man. I will do my best to get creating new stuff.
    OtrickP: Switch? Why! I use mudbox and zbrush. I love mudbox, its a calming experience for me every-time I model something in mudbox. Ill never stop using it. Zbrush is fun too, so I use them both, sometimes exclusively on a particular model and sometimes I use them together on models. Please don't give up on mudbox, use both.

    Cheers. -ABT
  • Grenade
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    Hboybowen wrote: »
    can we get a timelapse on your next one?


    Amazing characters! Full of life and history!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Anwar, i freakin love your imagination dude.

  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Peace guys,

    I spent some more time on the Polypaint. Here is the progress. Hope you guys enjoy. Your feedback is always welcomed. Cheers. -ABT

    Hboybowen & Grenade: Thanks guys, when I make a time-lapse I will surely let you know [[:)
    JacqueChoi: WHat up man. Dude thank you so very much. I hope all is well in Montreal!

  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    freakin sexy stuff! Love it, great sense of anatomy and proportions, great design. Love em. Looking forward to more man!
  • [SF]Three9
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    :( I iz bad rteest
  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 13
    that character is badass, I really like the color scheme, it all goes together nicely
  • Saiainoshi
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    Saiainoshi polycounter lvl 9
    Jelly because of your modeling skills, and extra jelly of your hip hop finding shkeelz. Wurk eeeet.
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Peace Everyone,
    It's been a little while. Here I am attaching some of my latest works.

    "Battle Guy" is currently a WIP I created using MAx and Zbrush, he is based on an awesome concept from the late Clement Sauve, which can be found here: http://clementsauve.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=24#/d2irvdm

    The rest are from my imagination, heavily inspired after a trip to the Atlanta Aquarium which was absolutely magnificent.

    "FishFaceNed" was started from a plane. Sculpted in Mudbox and Zbrush. Polypainted in Zbrush.
    "ShellHeadFred" was started from a plane as well but I was not able to get the detail I wanted so I retypod him and sculpted him as a bust in Mudbox.
    I hope you dig. Cheers. -Anwar Bey-Taylor (ABT)

    "Battle Guy" (Concept by Clement Sauve)


  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Hello Friends.

    Recently I have finished "Battle Guy", a character creation based on a Concept by Clement Sauve (RIP)
    ClementSauve's deviantART Gallery

    Here is a shot of him. More shots can be found here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=88388&highlight=battle+guy. Also, I am creating a breakdown that will address the steps I took in the creation of this dude (an idea inspired by a comment AlucardAssassin made earlier this year). I am also excited at the possibilities what I am going to create next!

    "Battle Guy"

    Cheers. -Anwar Bey-Taylor
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Such fun and lovely work!
  • 3mm
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    great works my friend ,keep updating man!!!
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    8FtSpider: Thank you man. I am glad you enjoy!
    3mm: Thanks my friend. Definitely will :)
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    AHH so awesome- those army of 2 concepts have always had a special place in my heart :P
  • Donavonyoung
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    Donavonyoung polycounter lvl 6
    I think you did an amazing job. What I do really like most about it is, yeah you made an awesome model from an awesome concept, but you actually made it feel completely unique through your own style.
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Konstruct: Thank you friend. Clement really nailed those concepts, such skills, execution and character.

    Danovonyoung: I really appreciate your words man. Thank you!
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Peace Polycount,

    Here is a shot from a new project I started this week. "Entitled: Everybody DOOM: Ode to MFDOOM". It's a toy prototype based on an idea I have to print this project out and sale it to MFDOOM fans. Feedback is appreciated. Thank you and cheers! -Anwar

  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    This weekend I decided to use the "Milton's sonic suit" model to run some tests on the Xoliulshader, this is a realtime screengrab straight out of 3ds max. Still lots of tweaking to do but I am enjoying how he is starting to get a type of "toy" look. Oh and yes his shoes light up when he walks! #LAGearsSwag

    Also I did a monster sketch entitled "Angry Beans". He is an easily annoyed type of guy so instead of "cool beans" his the "angry beans". :-). Enjoy. -Anwar Bey-Taylor

    "Miltons Sonic Suit" Shader Test

    "Angry Beans"
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16

    Here is a quick sketch done tonight. His name is "Snappy Reno", a chronic gambler, he really needs to work on his poker face! Enjoy.

    "Snappy Reno"
  • Mind Traveler
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    Mind Traveler polycounter lvl 16
    Yes. I am resurrecting this to share updates on what I am working on now. Why not. Connect the past to the present. Share a development story through art.

    PLASMAworlds. WHat is PLASMAworlds?

    Why am I doing it?

    Is it clearly DOPE?

    answers coming soon.
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