Hey all,
Its been a little while since I've made one of these threads; I've just started a new project and I would really appreciate anybody's and everybody's input.
I'm going to try my best to replicate this concept from Ubisoft's recently announced Call of Juarez: The Cartel. This concept was created by Artur “Torturr” Sadlos -
http://www.torturr.com/ -
The only parts of this image I'll likely exclude will be the birds and perhaps the distant town.. but we'll see. lol.
I feel that my current texturing abilities are the weak point in my art, so I'm going to be putting extra effort towards that. As well, I'm going to be trying to push myself to get the work done quicker... I know those two points contradict each other a little bit, but I feel that I take too long with simple tasks.
A couple problems I foresee for the future of this scene are 'wind' and foliage. Trying to portray a windy environment will likely be a bit tricky.. and foliage, well, I'm just not good at it.
Here's where I'm at;
So anyway, thats that. I look forward to everybody's comments and hullabaloo!
I agree with ditching the town in the distance. Not only is there enough going on with the scene as is, it'll add a sense of loneliness and solitude. Screw the birds too. Last thing, I'd consider removing the scaffolding to the left and doing something else. I'm not sure what it's doing there, and I personally don't think it adds anything to the scene. YMMV.
Subscribed. Looking forward to seeing some awesome. :thumbup:
EDIT: As an afterthought, you might try and camera match the concept. It'll be easier for you to rough in the shapes, if you're trying to stick closely with the concept. Bonus points for posting it so we can poke holes too!
As usual good stuff, get crunching!
The building and scene in general are still very much in the block-out phases. So there are plenty of unneeded edge loops and what not.
Artifice - Thanks for the suggestions; I'll defiantly take another look at the proportions. Also, I just did a quick search for a new font and this was the closest I could find to the concept - http://www.dafont.com/market-deco.font?text=GREYHORSE Which looks far more suitable than what I have on there now.
Mr Bear - Thanks, I didn't realize Hourences had a bird particle.. that may very well come in handy. And yes, I'll be building this within UDK.
Thanks again guys. I'll likely have another update for yous within a day or so.
I've made some progress on the modelling.. still quite a few more to make. I'll hopefully Have all the models made and baked and ready for texturing by Friday. At that point I'll probably try and get everything into UDK.
Heres where I'm at:
I've just started blocking out the garage in the back; been trying to get some ideas for that other than just a giant door and sign.
I'm wondering if anybody here has some links to tutorials on Vertex Painting in UDK as well as how to make some nice foliage. I should probably start reading up on that stuff. I believe there are a couple pages in the Wiki which I would check out shortly.
Thanks guys.
As far as "tons' of loops go, don't go too low on this and end up those corners look boxy. Better to burn a few and have a good result. Besides, what does a bevel here and there cost to create that round effect you need now and then. 20 tri's?! pff.
Looking forward to this man, kick some ass!
Artifice - Thanks. I did mess around with the proportions some more, as well as a different camera angle.
Rens - If this scene comes in at 20 tri's over budget... I'm blaming you!