I've never seen that article before, I'll check it out! Cheers Scott
Sorta dropped off the radar recently. Been working more on my FYP and a little on a little environment test that took my fancy. I don't think I'm going to work on it any more, I just wanted to make something quick and fun, and test out material shaders in UDK.
I just tried out a few different lighting set ups to see what I liked the most. It was inspired by this concept by Aaron Foster.
And of course, I've been chipping away at my final year project. Mostly finished all the textures now, I want to keep working on them though to polish them up a little bit. I feel my handpainting has come a long way since I first started, and I want to go back and get the first assets up to scratch.
Here's a few of the latest shots:
I need to write up my investigation now, so that's going to be taking up a lot of my time from now on. I am going to be starting another environment soon though to have something fun to work on. I'm thinking of working on a spooky, farm house environment set in the middle of a huge storm. I want to explore sounds within environments more, and I really want to get the pitter-patter sound of rain on the roof!
I just wanted to make something quick and fun, and test out material shaders in UDK.
I just tried out a few different lighting set ups to see what I liked the most. It was inspired by this concept by Aaron Foster.
These are always my favorite type of environment projects - little concept art conversions that tend to experiment with lighting. Looks nice! glad to see more work from you too! :thumbup:
Fearian - Hehe. I never understood the 'TIC' or 'TLC' reference. Maybe it's one of the developers that worked on A Link to the Past? Would be interesting to find out. Everybody I have shown the environment too has said the exact same thing, 'what does TIC stand for?!'.
BARDLER - I don't know dude! All I know is that the BM devs are still hard at work. It is a huge project and everybody is working part time on it in their spare hours. A lot of the team have full time jobs and thus don't want to be working every single hour of every single day. Don't worry though, Carlos is in charge and he always gets shit done!
nice kinda interested what you do with a completely different type of environment you got a good basis sofar nice and clean which is good since i find lots of sci fi stuff get over detailed.
Loving the work so far Liam. Nice to see the diversity you have in your work. For your UDK stuff might be worth looking at some post processing techniques. As for your modelling, very effective use of UVs. Top notch stuff man. Hope to see more in the future!
Here's an update to the scene. I'm adding more modular elements, but it's beginning to look a little cluttered. I'm going to have to watch my use of orange in this scene!
Gonna make a modular pipeset next to go along the ceilings.
Unfortunately, there was no secret, amazing technique.. As I was just nailing composition, I decided to use a modified photo from CGTextures, with normals generated in Crazybump. Sorry to disappoint!
Your stuff's looking great, Liam! Careful with the light shafts in the cave environment. There aren't any in the concept and they have a nasty way of blotting out detail in your scene!
Yeah Feanix, it's so tempting to just cover everything in lens flare, but I think it shows true skill when you can make an awesome scene without using fancy effects.
Here's an update to the Sci-fi scene. I'm enjoying this so much, I might make an entire modular level out of this stuff.
New to this is: post processing, reflections, modular pipes, and changed lighting. I tried messing around with DX11 but found it to be too complicated for the little improvement it would give this scene.
Of course, I say that stuff about godrays when my scene has HUGE GIANT GODRAYS EVERYWHAR. In my defence those are in the concept too!
That scifi corridor is looking awesome. Would be nice to see each prop seperated from the rest so we can tell what the individual assets are and how they fit togther!
Just an update on what's going on in my life.. I got a job at Frontier Developments in Cambridge, UK, around 5 months ago now thanks to a guy who comes on here named 'Pomperi' (who is an absolutely amazing artist btw, I now sit next to him at work and he has taught me so much since I've been there!).
I have been working on 'Kinect Disneyland' for the past 5 months, which was a really fun project, the art style is pretty cool and let us mix realism with more stylized stuff. I'll be able to put up some of the stuff I worked on when the game is released.
Since we've finished on Disneyland, we've been doing a lot of modelling/texture practice in the office in our downtime, and I've purposely been trying to work on my 2D skills, as they are the area I feel I can improve on.
Here's a couple of pieces I've been working on. The first one was an attempt at photorealistic painting, and the second is a more stylized rock texture. Both were completely painted by hand, no photos were used except for reference on another screen. Going to be making normal maps/specs soon!
I'm hoping to post a lot more stuff up here soon, so keep your eyes peeled guys
I wanted to ask if you could show us how you've made the building. Is there any highpoly in there? Can we see the mesh work? Is it one giant piece or does it consist of a few pieces you can use to build this bigger, if you wanted.
Adam, I'll do a break down later tonight for you guys. But basically, I did some high poly baking down to planes first, and then built the building around that.
Those are some pretty sexy hand-painted textures. I just wanted to say you might want to reevaluate your how much space there is between your first and last name in your website logo, especially since all the letters are capitalized, it kinda melds together.
Thanks for the feedback Darbeenbo! I am going to be completely re-doing my portfolio over the next year or so anyway, I'm going to add a lot of stuff I've done since I started my first job in the industry at Frontier Developments.
I never did get round to making that scene breakdown.. But I am working on a new environment which I plan on showing all my workings for once I have nailed a style. It's going to be a sci-fi scene, will have something soon guys!
Long time no.. Update! I'm re-working my portfolio at the moment to reflect all of the work I have done since my first job in the industry in 2011.. Wow, that's pretty crazy to think it's been almost 2 years!
As such, I'm completely scrapping my portfolio, and updating it with all post-uni stuff. The only stuff I'm keeping is my old level design stuff!
Here's my website design so far. Just a quick blockout in PS so my web guy knows how to make it!
So I am no longer at Frontier Developments; I am now working for Unknown Worlds Entertainment on NS2. I'm one of 2 environment artists, and we pretty much do everything for the game. We do work with some outsource guys, but mainly for bigger set piece props, and character models etc.
It's great fun doing sci-fi, it's been a blast so far. We have some big things planned for the future!
Here are a few random bits and bobs I've been working on with NS2. This isn't final portfolio render quality, they're just random screengrabs from the past 9 months or so.
Also last year I made a scene in Cryengine, which can be seen here. It's based on piece of concept art by Tuomas Korpi.
Aaaaand here's a quick sneak peek of what I'm working on in Cryengine atm. Practicing some outdoor environments to get away from the Sci-fi stuff I normally do
Here's a screenshot of the Alpine Forest scene that I'm working on at the moment. I'm just testing out foliage in Cryengine at the moment, so this won't be a huge scene.. But it's getting there.
I'm going to be adding in lots of colourful plants and flowers next to give it a bit of colour variation.
Hey man, just browsing on here, thought I'd check out your portfolio. The beach scene caught my eye and I thought I had seen it before. Turns out I had, only it wasn't you! :poly124:
It was from this video from Derby Uni, starting from 1:33
You must have just used the same concept, although it is interesting to see the different outcomes. It's also nice to see someone from Staffs Uni (I am attending there currently). Good work man, hope it goes well for you.
Quick question about your grass. If it's all basically facing a single direction, why did you choose this method instead of just a basic plane with good alpha?
I did use alphas; I baked those models above down to a plane. It actually has a bit more depth to it than you can see there, maybe I should change the image to show that.
Added in the following images to show this a bit better.
Still love your beach scene It's got such a nice warm feeling to it, makes me want to jump into the picutre, grab a surfboard and run off into the water...
Really nice work you have dude! Really love the prop work. Your website is straightforward and really easy to navigate :thumbup: I really like what you did with your resume, really nice.
@Radiancef0rge - They're all sculpted terrain at the moment. I am thinking of putting in some more mountains in the distance, but putting them in as planes in the distance. However, I'll do this at the end because I won't be able to change the lighting as easily, without going into Photoshop and changing the colour.
@Urgaffel - I'm glad you feel that way. The original concept is so cool, Tuomas Korpi did a fantastic job of creating a believable concept.
@Aajohnny - thanks man! Yeah I wanted to keep the site super simple, no nonsense!
This bit of reading may interest you! My fyp was almost going to be on this!
Sorta dropped off the radar recently. Been working more on my FYP and a little on a little environment test that took my fancy. I don't think I'm going to work on it any more, I just wanted to make something quick and fun, and test out material shaders in UDK.
I just tried out a few different lighting set ups to see what I liked the most. It was inspired by this concept by Aaron Foster.
And of course, I've been chipping away at my final year project. Mostly finished all the textures now, I want to keep working on them though to polish them up a little bit. I feel my handpainting has come a long way since I first started, and I want to go back and get the first assets up to scratch.
Here's a few of the latest shots:
I need to write up my investigation now, so that's going to be taking up a lot of my time from now on. I am going to be starting another environment soon though to have something fun to work on. I'm thinking of working on a spooky, farm house environment set in the middle of a huge storm. I want to explore sounds within environments more, and I really want to get the pitter-patter sound of rain on the roof!
These are always my favorite type of environment projects - little concept art conversions that tend to experiment with lighting. Looks nice! glad to see more work from you too! :thumbup:
edit: also, 'TIC'? :poly141:
Oh good work BTW.
BARDLER - I don't know dude! All I know is that the BM devs are still hard at work. It is a huge project and everybody is working part time on it in their spare hours. A lot of the team have full time jobs and thus don't want to be working every single hour of every single day. Don't worry though, Carlos is in charge and he always gets shit done!
I have never really done any metallic environments, so I'm attempting one now. This is all just basic normal maps and base colours atm.
Here's an update to the scene. I'm adding more modular elements, but it's beginning to look a little cluttered. I'm going to have to watch my use of orange in this scene!
Gonna make a modular pipeset next to go along the ceilings.
For the cave scene can you talk about how you created that side wall texture.
It looks fantastic.
Unfortunately, there was no secret, amazing technique.. As I was just nailing composition, I decided to use a modified photo from CGTextures, with normals generated in Crazybump. Sorry to disappoint!
Here's an update to the Sci-fi scene. I'm enjoying this so much, I might make an entire modular level out of this stuff.
New to this is: post processing, reflections, modular pipes, and changed lighting. I tried messing around with DX11 but found it to be too complicated for the little improvement it would give this scene.
The bright version, you'd want to do something about the massive seem on the ceiling.
That scifi corridor is looking awesome. Would be nice to see each prop seperated from the rest so we can tell what the individual assets are and how they fit togther!
Just an update on what's going on in my life.. I got a job at Frontier Developments in Cambridge, UK, around 5 months ago now thanks to a guy who comes on here named 'Pomperi' (who is an absolutely amazing artist btw, I now sit next to him at work and he has taught me so much since I've been there!).
I have been working on 'Kinect Disneyland' for the past 5 months, which was a really fun project, the art style is pretty cool and let us mix realism with more stylized stuff. I'll be able to put up some of the stuff I worked on when the game is released.
Since we've finished on Disneyland, we've been doing a lot of modelling/texture practice in the office in our downtime, and I've purposely been trying to work on my 2D skills, as they are the area I feel I can improve on.
Here's a couple of pieces I've been working on. The first one was an attempt at photorealistic painting, and the second is a more stylized rock texture. Both were completely painted by hand, no photos were used except for reference on another screen. Going to be making normal maps/specs soon!
I'm hoping to post a lot more stuff up here soon, so keep your eyes peeled guys
I wanted to ask if you could show us how you've made the building. Is there any highpoly in there? Can we see the mesh work? Is it one giant piece or does it consist of a few pieces you can use to build this bigger, if you wanted.
Adam, I'll do a break down later tonight for you guys. But basically, I did some high poly baking down to planes first, and then built the building around that.
I never did get round to making that scene breakdown.. But I am working on a new environment which I plan on showing all my workings for once I have nailed a style. It's going to be a sci-fi scene, will have something soon guys!
Thanks for the kind comment
Long time no.. Update! I'm re-working my portfolio at the moment to reflect all of the work I have done since my first job in the industry in 2011.. Wow, that's pretty crazy to think it's been almost 2 years!
As such, I'm completely scrapping my portfolio, and updating it with all post-uni stuff. The only stuff I'm keeping is my old level design stuff!
Here's my website design so far. Just a quick blockout in PS so my web guy knows how to make it!
So I am no longer at Frontier Developments; I am now working for Unknown Worlds Entertainment on NS2. I'm one of 2 environment artists, and we pretty much do everything for the game. We do work with some outsource guys, but mainly for bigger set piece props, and character models etc.
It's great fun doing sci-fi, it's been a blast so far. We have some big things planned for the future!
Here are a few random bits and bobs I've been working on with NS2. This isn't final portfolio render quality, they're just random screengrabs from the past 9 months or so.
Also last year I made a scene in Cryengine, which can be seen here. It's based on piece of concept art by Tuomas Korpi.
Aaaaand here's a quick sneak peek of what I'm working on in Cryengine atm. Practicing some outdoor environments to get away from the Sci-fi stuff I normally do
I like the grey high poly renders and that beach house is sweeet
All the best
I'm going to be adding in lots of colourful plants and flowers next to give it a bit of colour variation.
It was from this video from Derby Uni, starting from 1:33
You must have just used the same concept, although it is interesting to see the different outcomes. It's also nice to see someone from Staffs Uni (I am attending there currently). Good work man, hope it goes well for you.
Quick question about your grass. If it's all basically facing a single direction, why did you choose this method instead of just a basic plane with good alpha?
Added in the following images to show this a bit better.
you carding the mountains in the back?
@Radiancef0rge - They're all sculpted terrain at the moment. I am thinking of putting in some more mountains in the distance, but putting them in as planes in the distance. However, I'll do this at the end because I won't be able to change the lighting as easily, without going into Photoshop and changing the colour.
@Urgaffel - I'm glad you feel that way. The original concept is so cool, Tuomas Korpi did a fantastic job of creating a believable concept.
@Aajohnny - thanks man! Yeah I wanted to keep the site super simple, no nonsense!
Horsham is a lovely part of the country. All the best