Better explain my vague topic, I'm looking at creating a top down level in UDK, similar to that seen in diablo 3, lara croft and the guardian of light, and similar to trine (obviously not side on). Would be mainly stone and templish with foliage. I'm lacking in the concept dept and would like to have a good concept to go by that would allow me to simply focus on solid modeling and working from art, rather then having to develop the ideas myself.
YES I'VE TRIED GOOGLE! Does anybody know any good artists or I can look at or have any images they can share that I could base a scene on, it's purely just practice for me.
Thanks a lot.
Okay something along these lines is perfect, anyone have a larger resolution copy of this image? I can't find which artist did it and it looks like it was the previous diablo 3 colour art direction that they've scrapped.