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Max 2010 "get Material" Button broken

polycounter lvl 14
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THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
I was trying out some of the scripts when I suddenly noticed that the "get Material" Button in the Material Editor does nothing anymore (neither does the hotkey G). The Editor flickers and then nothing happens, the new window to pick from the material library does not appear.

Is there a file that I can try to replace?
I realy don't wan't to reinstall max now :S


  • THE 5
    Offline / Send Message
    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    Where do .mse Files go?
    "convexHull.mse" in particular. I did just drag & drop it into max

    I just tried "EdgeFinder", which I removed,
    "AvizStudioTools_ATiles_v1.2" that only loads into memory AFAIK
    and "convexHull" so far.

    The Editor did work like 6 hours aggo for shure and I did just model like always in that time, so I thought it might be due to the scrips but I am not certain. Max had some undo-crashes in that thime aswell, but I consider that as "normal" :p
  • THE 5
    Offline / Send Message
    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    Renaming the "3dsmax.ini" in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2010 - 64bit\enu" solved the problem somehow :)
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