MY Surfacing and terrain generating tool is now officially alpha
(but keep quiet about it for now, still gotta figure out some licencing stuff, for example for the gaussian blur
which is a dummy copied from a webpage and some command handling stuff from code project)
its a surfacing and terrain generating tool which has common filters like blurring, sharpenig, etc.
i copied 2 concepts from photoshop and 3dsmax and merged them to a modifierlayer:
it can be executed and modified like a 3dsmax modifier, but is adjustable in alpha and blendmode like a layer
and the kicker application is the terrain generating feature:
i implemented a hydraulic(brute force) erosion algorithm which gives reasonable results after about 8 iterations
and a thermal erosion (shader like) algo, which talkes about 50 iterations to look good alone, and after a hydraulic erosion about 3 iterations
what you have to do, to generate kickass terrains is:
create a perlin clouds map with some setting, erode it with 8 iterations of hyraulic erosion and after that 3 iterations of thermal erosion, now you have a good looking but somewhat boring heightmap. you need to save .
after that you select the cloud modifier, klick on the gear and change the seed. after some calculations you now have a different heightmap, and so on until you feel like you have enough maps( about 3 to 8)
then go to a modeling package of your chouce which supports displacement
now displace a highly tesselated plane with height around 10 and tiling 1 and some blur
then to the next map with height around 5 and tiling 2
and so on
then you have a kuckass terran which is usable for all kinds of stuff
[here is a terrain with 3 maps described as above]
its simple, open the image processor exe in the given zip file
hit file new, and select your base modifier (noise, clouds, from file or color)
then hit filter and select a filter of your choice, adjust it in the popup and hit ok,
then the new layer is created
now you can change the layersettings (alpha, blendmode)(due to some wpf crap you need to hit the play button after you changed the settings, except for the setting that popup after hitting the gear button)
if you dont like the result of the modifier, you can change it at will or delete it
after a modifier is executed the selection always changes to the upmost modifier, buft if you select one below and add a new modifier, its pops up ontop of the selected one, pusthing the others upwards
and when you'Re satisfied, you can save the result to a file.
(further releases will also support saving and opening project files)
yes ofcourse
first of all, i need a real name for the application (i had Photojob in mind, but that could give angry people)
and i could use some suggestions regarding new filters and other improvement and such stuff.
also i would appreciate some people testing it, for when it crashes and stuff
anyway have fun testing it, and tell me what you think
(and a gui shot in action)
as You might know ive done some image filters lately which were all standalone exes.
now im starting to merge them in a Gui with the ability to stack the filters (like the modifier stack in 3dsmax)
at the moment this application is just an imageviewer.
so open save, copy paste , close and the zoom buttons work
the filter system is a bit more tricky and will come later
as addon i will implement seamless filters for surfacing purposes (like the basic ones on photoshop, but dont mess up the border)
suggestions appreciated.
edit: ok, i managed to implement a pluginhost
so filters can be dropped in teh plugin folder and work
poroblem tehre is the filter dlls need a specific data structure, and is nor as versatile as i want jet
anyway, i implemented a testfilter, replacing the current image with a picture of the annoying orange
you have got to get this off before your plug in's release.
sure im ditching the orange once real filters are there
at the moment the part im focussing on is the host application
im still searching for a proper solution for the file and clippboadrd handling
edit: i got rid of the orange (atleast in the screenshots)
i want no copiright infringement shit
why should i use this instead of photoshop?
Looking cool arrangemonk, looking forward to seeing what kind of filters you come up with
(seamless, means a tilable image is still tilable after the execution of the filter, ulike photoshop) , some perlin noise implementations , and some terrain specific things like erosion and such stuff...
you could suggest filters you would like to have
because if i do i get
"Image Processor found a problem and has to be closed"
i am trying it on my computer at work, gotta give it a go at home then...
im working on it this evening, so its hopefully going to be more interesting tomorrow
edit: its a.net application so one needs .net framework 3.5 installed
i cleaned the pluginhost, so every class that implements the plugininterface in a plugin dll gets linked to the host application,
there is stil a problem with the plugin names but thats just a minor bug
anyway i implemented a simple 3x3 blur and a median filter, which both follow my seamless concept
requires .net runtime 3.5
the copy/past now only supports 24 bit rgb images (supporting alpha is too complicated at the moment)
and i havent implemented a worker tread model yet so while the filter executes, the application doesnt respond
tell me what you think, and i would appreciate suggestions for filters you would like to see implemented
A "save as" button would be cool because i could then compare the original image with the new one, i think the filters didnt do anything to my pic...
A progress bar would be nice, the program got unresponsible and i didnt know if it still worked or not... (for at least 2 minutes i think)
Also having a shape detection would be awesome for generating quick masks
(like currently i am working on some brick textures, throwing them in this program, detecting the bricks (without the mortar in between) and importing the mask back into ps would be awesome.)
so i recomend testing with small images at the moment
edit: i updated the processing a bit, should be much faster now
After getting an A in your term project you should submit it to Polycount swag.
Amazing work!!
everything i wanted to have in the prototype is done ;D
defenately possible, but not in the gui host
im doing a command line host for that
i still got to learn a lot of things about wpf for it, but saving a modifier is just like saving the filter and the parameters to a file. that shouldnd be to hard
i also tried rgbnoise which is mapping a 24 bit integer to the rgb channels
and a corresponding rgb terrain erosion filter (which takes rgb as the 24 bit height, and the alpha channel as terrain hardness, -> the harder, the less eroded it gets)
the noise generator creates a value of 2/3 for the hardness -> 170 which is the default setting on the old terrain erosion filter
looking at the image though got me strange headache and im fearing brain damage, but also feel like a pussy
here is the updated programm
edit: the int -> rgb thing isnt really working
sorry but the grayscale noise generator work pretty well
had to think about you, maybe its getting you some inspiration?
even thou its not really fast
EventType : clr20r3 P1 : wpfapplication1.exe P2 :
P3 : 4d8253fc P4 : presentationcore P5 : P6 : 488f03e4
P7 : 42e P8 : b P9 : system.io.fileformatexception
and closes... (its a winxp x64)
what i can tell is that its using .net framework 3.5 and , if i didnt do anything wrong runs on both 32 and 64 bit (MSIL)
but its only tested on win7 so far
have you installed .net 3.5 x64?
i just seen i had compiled for x86 instead of multi platform
fixed that now, but hadnt uploaded yet
im going to improve the error handling a bit more
the filters definatly take waaay too long though :P
i also added a global exception handler which displays the exception message and stacktrace in a textbox for further analysis
but please dont send me exceptions caused by the "Experiment" filter
its ment to trow an exception for testing pruposes, atleast at the moment
klicking on a modifier shows the result, openig a file doesnt add a modifier yet
so testing only works with new image
modifiers with properties open a properties page if execute you can change them also using the gear icon on the modifier
heres the link
link only for archives or whatever
im triing to add a modifier for the file open as soon as possible since its not much of an use without that
so happy testing then, i hope you like it
[edit]: also the opacity slider doesnt do anything yet
[edit2]: Now loading images adds a new image modifier
so filters can be applied to loaded files
Use this link
MY Surfacing and terrain generating tool is now officially alpha
(but keep quiet about it for now, still gotta figure out some licencing stuff, for example for the gaussian blur
which is a dummy copied from a webpage and some command handling stuff from code project)
its a surfacing and terrain generating tool which has common filters like blurring, sharpenig, etc.
i copied 2 concepts from photoshop and 3dsmax and merged them to a modifierlayer:
it can be executed and modified like a 3dsmax modifier, but is adjustable in alpha and blendmode like a layer
and the kicker application is the terrain generating feature:
i implemented a hydraulic(brute force) erosion algorithm which gives reasonable results after about 8 iterations
and a thermal erosion (shader like) algo, which talkes about 50 iterations to look good alone, and after a hydraulic erosion about 3 iterations
what you have to do, to generate kickass terrains is:
create a perlin clouds map with some setting, erode it with 8 iterations of hyraulic erosion and after that 3 iterations of thermal erosion, now you have a good looking but somewhat boring heightmap. you need to save .
after that you select the cloud modifier, klick on the gear and change the seed. after some calculations you now have a different heightmap, and so on until you feel like you have enough maps( about 3 to 8)
then go to a modeling package of your chouce which supports displacement
now displace a highly tesselated plane with height around 10 and tiling 1 and some blur
then to the next map with height around 5 and tiling 2
and so on
then you have a kuckass terran which is usable for all kinds of stuff
[here is a terrain with 3 maps described as above]
its simple, open the image processor exe in the given zip file
hit file new, and select your base modifier (noise, clouds, from file or color)
then hit filter and select a filter of your choice, adjust it in the popup and hit ok,
then the new layer is created
now you can change the layersettings (alpha, blendmode)(due to some wpf crap you need to hit the play button after you changed the settings, except for the setting that popup after hitting the gear button)
if you dont like the result of the modifier, you can change it at will or delete it
after a modifier is executed the selection always changes to the upmost modifier, buft if you select one below and add a new modifier, its pops up ontop of the selected one, pusthing the others upwards
and when you'Re satisfied, you can save the result to a file.
(further releases will also support saving and opening project files)
yes ofcourse
first of all, i need a real name for the application (i had Photojob in mind, but that could give angry people)
and i could use some suggestions regarding new filters and other improvement and such stuff.
also i would appreciate some people testing it, for when it crashes and stuff
anyway have fun testing it, and tell me what you think
(and a gui shot in action)
and i was toying with the idea of making it node based and transform it in some kind of compositor.
with a bit of rework i could change the interfface and the modifiers that i made until now so they can be used as nodes
here i made a quick gui mockup of what i had in mind:
i would apreciate some feedback on the new idea, since i want it to be usefull especially for polycounters
Also, how are you going to categorize the nodes and modifiers?
each class of nodes has its baseclass which implements the category property
so derived classes can be sorted, subcategorys could work that ways too (but displayed in treeview)
so say meanblur is category filter and subcategory blur
color is category generator
and multiply is category blendmode
and so on
preview window shows result,
if im able to speedup calculations so processing an image takes about 1 to 2 seconds, a special preview calculation is not nececary, otherwise working with reduces resolution images to generate preview is possible.
also im thinking of adding a viewer tab for every output node, so results can be vied in a bigger window
speeding up calculations has great chance to happen thou, at the moment a modifier is single threaded, so implementing multitreaded modifiers could atleast quater the execution time, but im planning some research on using gfxcard (gotta nag santy for some help then)
i think this is in the same line:
but free
edit: the genetica video is kinda strange thou
the idea of this program is to create and modify tilable textures
without fucking up the tilability(like photoshop did atleast in v7).
as i found the need of a reference modifikator to blend in some previous image, i thougt making it node based would be better and less complex to code and use
and has a simple diamond makeseamless algorithm (like gimp),i did today for relaxing, onboard
Bachelor edition
im kindof horny for doing some "make tilable" algorithms now
You can download a PSD version here.
If there's any changes you want me to make, tell me and I'll do my best.
EDIT: I just realized I put the terrain model in as the preview. Oops.
Here's an example of how it would work (YouTube quality is crappy, sorry about that):
i was all for the baby blue thou, but if you all agree, i can mak the gui manly
PSD here.
seems to take a lil bit to render the stuff and it would be nice to have a visual identification wether or not it is still working or done .
i'd be for some polycountish colors
i think its smarter to collect suggestions and focus o the datamodel first
i tried around a bit with gui, and thats about what i came up with
and the icon i came up with
and the name i thought for it is (in mind of the unlimited detail euphemism)
sBLEMDit from splendid and blend it
here the gui mockup as exe file
and the colors are about to be configurable, but not yet (gotta get my mind about external xaml resource files)
more hopefully next week because i finally have real vacation^^
The difference between the 2 directions are that web designers design in a way to attract and scream more towards the audience in a bold way because its all about short visits and commerce on the short term - they are not designed for the long term or frequent use.
Professional UI's on the other hand need consistency, and reduced in every possible way from visual clutter or distractions such as reflections, patterns, flashy colors or just anything that is not necessary in a functional way.
Even more if you design a UI for a information heavy application or one that can scale up easily like here with nodes, consider every little detail 10 times- wage it off like if its really needed - or if it can be used in a less obtrusive way.
well then i think im going to mimic visual studio style
with just shades of blue