I'll be around - and am definitely going to be in Boston. I'll have a pass but am undecided if I'll actually go - being right off of a week in SF and in the midst of apartment hunting....I like beer.
I didn't get a pass but I live in the area - I might get a sunday pass since they're still available. I'm not really familiar with Boston though, so I don't really have suggestions on where to meet. There's an Irish pub called Shenanagan's about half a mile away as well as a place called Atlantic Beer Garden.
It looks a bit slim pickings at this new convention center, the one it was at last year was across the street from a bunch of bars and clubs, this one is across the street from a big overgrown empty lot.
I'll be there, and not only attending but as an Omeganaught! Mike Krahulik (Gabe) made a personal phone call to deliver the invitation, which was exceptionally surreal. I've been reading PA since the heyday of Starsiege: Tribes, so I was a bit starstruck and just stammered "Uh, yeah" the whole time.
I'm hoping it shouldn't interfere too much with the hanging out schedule, especially if I lose in the first round of games. :P Email or PM me for digits, it'd be great to grab a beer with some fellow PCers.
(pushes up black plastic glasses) Any you guys play Magic?
I bought a 3 day pass. I'll for sure be there on Friday and probably Saturday. I only live 30 minutes away, so I'll start looking into places to meet up at. Oh and shameless plug... go see Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning panel on Friday! It's one of our big unveils and the boys and girls at BHG have been working hard for the past few years and are ready to show it off.
So I guess it makes sense for guys who know the area (vcortis and Justin) to decide the best place for a meetup. Does anyone want to take charge on that?
All the way out in Boston? Naw, I won't be able to make it. I'm a little depressed, I skipped GDC this year because of financial considerations. PAX East is on the other side of the country for me. I AM planning on buying PAX Prime tickets as soon as they go on sale. Is there usually a sizable Polycount presence at PAX Prime?
I'm at a private party tomorrow but it opens to the public at 7pm (and a band is going to play) so drop by Lucky's Lounge @ 355 Congress Street if you want me to drunkingly rant about the video game industry while standly uncomfortably close to you.
I have to chime in one more time and say that RAGE absolutely blew me away. Probably the best environments I've ever seen in a game. It looks fun as hell too. Awesome job to any folks here that had a hand in it. Also tried going to the gw2 presentation right after rage but it was already full by the time I got there.
Yo peeps, unfortunately I can't organize anything for a meetup. I have too much going on with my relocation and moving right now. My 3-day pass isn't getting nearly enough use bleh!
I did go yesterday though!
Bioshock Infinite panel was great. I love the approach irrational takes when designing their games and the ability to tell story through environments.
Firefall is a really gorgeous game. Looks great in motion.
Saw a lot more, some great looking games out there!
There's a lot of intro but my teammate and I hit the stage around 2:45. I would've given a shoutout to PC but they never gave us the mics :P The Jenga round the night before was INTENSE!
It looks a bit slim pickings at this new convention center, the one it was at last year was across the street from a bunch of bars and clubs, this one is across the street from a big overgrown empty lot.
I'm hoping it shouldn't interfere too much with the hanging out schedule, especially if I lose in the first round of games. :P Email or PM me for digits, it'd be great to grab a beer with some fellow PCers.
(pushes up black plastic glasses) Any you guys play Magic?
I'm busy Friday night... still waiting on plans for Saturday/Sunday with my movers, should know soon.
Then I can set something up for one of those days hopefully.
Also, sat in on the BHG/38 Reckoning reveal panel.. Holy shit does that game look awesome.
I'll probably drop by Lucky's Lounge tonight with some friends, if anyone wants to meet up. I'll be wearing my Polycount shirt.
Wish I was there really. Seems like PAX is awesome the way E3 used to be.
I did go yesterday though!
Bioshock Infinite panel was great. I love the approach irrational takes when designing their games and the ability to tell story through environments.
Firefall is a really gorgeous game. Looks great in motion.
Saw a lot more, some great looking games out there!
Oh and be sure to swing by the Chivalry booth in Indie Alley!
Hey man--I got to see this on Friday a little, looking over other people's shoulders. Looks like a fun game!
There's a lot of intro but my teammate and I hit the stage around 2:45. I would've given a shoutout to PC but they never gave us the mics :P The Jenga round the night before was INTENSE!
I hope you got a shirt!