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UDK - Strange Lighting Issue with Player Actor

For a student game, we have recently imported a new character model from 3DS Max 2011 into UDK (2011-02 build).

When in the game, the character seems to be having a very odd lighting effect that we've been unable to fix.

In dark areas with low lighting, the model's textures seem to disappear and are replaced by a grey shadow. However, as you enter light, the textures begin to return.

Below you will find a link to a video the demonstrates the issue. In the video the character starts in the darkness with the gray effect on them. Halfway through the video we throw light onto the scene (the light we cast is actually part of the gameplay). Once in the light the textures return. From the video you can see that we only have first pass animations at this time (with no Idle).


The model has normal, spec, and diffuse maps, and the texture size is 2048.

We have actually also had this issue with another pawn actor that we have imported into the game as well, except instead of going gray, the pawn loses all its texture and goes all black (sorry no video for this one). When we throw that light onto the pawn, it's textures return.

We've tried redoing some lightmaps and that hasn't seemed to correct the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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