Thought I'd make a thread for this instead of polluting the waywo.
Here's some stuff so far...

The aim is for a high poly only scene with mental ray render. Not sure about materials yet.
Polygon count now is 1,348,791
To do list;
chaise longue
desk lamp
old telephone
flowers and vase
wall lights
large & small pictures
electrical sockets & switches
Any suggestions are welcome.
One thing is bothering me slightly - how high is the ceiling?
Just asking as Victorian ceilings tend to come in around 12ft to 13ft high. If your ceiling is around that height, then possibly the fireplace is too tall. I just measured the one in my room which is 47" and the one in the main room comes in at around 5ft I think. Sorry about the waffling. Probably a minor point.
Looks lovely anyway
Your aim should be that the viewer should take one look at the scene and go "Oh, a Victorian interior!", and I don't think you successfully convey that by the scene itself so far. As you start to fill up the room, perhaps it will become more evident.
I think you have a great start, though, I look forward to seeing some more progress.
floor example
Floor Example
Floor Example
I really really really like this one, great stuff! Did you forget to apply the turbo smooth to the part where the pipee reaches the main radiator bit? (it still looks great, just looks kinda like you perhaps forgot to apply the turbosmooth!)
@ Sparkwire I see what you mean, yes. The bottom of the curtains will get seen to and also a shell modifier will be added as they are just planes. Thanks.
@ BadgerBaiter Not sure what to say on height as it was eyed from a photo reference of a french victorian room. The fireplace, like the rest of the objects were modelled seperately and then combined and scaled inside the scene. Your observation is noted and appreciated:thumbup:
@Razgriz If your saying that rooms usually have matching furniture and decor, I agree, yet don't want that resued mesh look. Kind of a difficult situation with references here, there and eveywhere but when everything is modelled, maybe some alterations could be made. Just have to watch my polys for now. Thankyou
@LMP The floor was a real cheap quickee, I know, excuses excuses:poly136: Parquet was actually on my mind and why not! Thanks.
@scotthomer Meshsmooth was omitted from the decor to reduce render time, everything else is x3. Thanks.
Thanks for the crits and comments everyone. Made a bit more progress on some props, both unfinished but I'll work on them tomorrow and try out your suggestions too...
chayze loooong
gentlemans reciever/transmitter kit
Question: Do you know any good resources for Victorian style decorations? Curly Q, vine, floral type designs. Or what in the world those are even refereed to as? I'm workin' on a neo-Victorian weapon and need some reference.
bit more progress on the phone.
I wish they made phones like that still...
"I need to send this missive to the Prussian consulate in Siam - post haste! Am I too late for the afternoon auto-gyro?"
Like the way the wood looks. It kinda has a hand painted feel to it,
jeremiah_bigley, this was the ref used;
Good job I saved it because it's now disappeared from google images.
Made a bit more progress on the scene, got a floor going and now looking to build some kind of ceiling, here's the stuff;
*altered the curtains after suggestions then had the idea for the step on the rhs there.
Here's a little something (nouveau) victorian.
I made a bookcase too but it's not very fancy so I'll probably just render it in the final scene instead of on it's lonesome.
Thanks for the comments
I've been working full time and developing a website in my spare time, haven't had much chance to work on any personal projects until now so here's an update.