Hello there,
Forgive me for my ignorance, but I had a couple noob questions for UDK Mobile development. I've been researching a bit on how to touch an item in the game, as well as "swipe" it off of the screen. I found some information here on touching the screen:
But actually interacting with an object and "swiping" it off of the screen, as well as removing those knobs already on the screen, has proved to be a bit challenging. Signs seem to point towards coding which makes sense, but I'm not too sure as to where one would implement the code (noob coder as well).
If anyone had any information or links as to how to do this, I would greatly appreciate it. Just feel as if I've hit a wall here. Thank you in advance for your time.
In order to touch an object or swipe it off screen, requires physics, so any build since Jan will work. The only way I know is through code, but with Kismet, I think you can do it too.
You need to get the initial touch, the end release, get the delta of that and the time/pixel offset to get the "speed".
Kismet is fine, but if this is just a test, go ahead. If you want to go deeper, get into UC now.
but I'm still having trouble implementing it for some reason. I think I've inputted everything correctly, but nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Not sure if you'll even check this thread anymore tbh...
Thanks in advance. Really appreciate it.
I'll set up a UDK file and send it over. How do you want it in Kismet or code?
I am trying to do just a simple "up" swipe in the z-direction in UDK Mobile utilizing kismet. I've followed both examples given by ffejnosliw and m00t at this link on UDK's forums: (http://forums.epicgames.com/showthread.php?t=755220&page=2), and I cannot get the desired result.
For ffejnosliw's example, I can get a swipe up, but the object also moves in the 'x' direction, seemingly due to the 'X Float' in the example, and it just stays in the air at it's final location. Gravity does not pull the object back down.
For m00t's example, I cannot get anything to work at all. I've even incorporated the "down swipe" as well, just like in m00t's example, but nothing seems to work. Not sure why.
The only differences that I have with each kismet setup are that I'm just extending from the "swipe up" node on Mobile Simple Swipes instead of every node in ffejnosliw's example and both the swipe up and swipe down nodes in m00t's example. I am also trying it with a mobile placeable pawn, but I've also tried with a static mesh, KActor, Mover, etc. and have had no luck.
Finally, if you notice the Mobile Simple Swipes in March UDK Mobile has seemed to have lost a couple nodes. Not sure if there's something in there that I'm missing (you can right click to expose them). Oh, and I changed floats around to represent 'Z' instead of 'X', since that is the desired swipe direction, but that didn't seem to help much either.
Curious if anyone else is having the issues I am? I am getting reads/comments on screen all the way through my kismet setups and I've tried to alter collision settings (BlockAll, TouchAll, etc.) as well. Maybe fresh eyes might see something I've missed or someone else has had success with the newest beta.
Thanks in advance to anyone that might have some input.
PS - Having trouble uploading screen shots of what I have here in Polycount for some reason. You can see them on UDK's forum through the link I provided above though. Shot_01 attachment is following ffejnosliw's example and Shot_02 attachment is following m00t's.
I linked to the UDK forum though, where the images can be viewed. Here is that link again:
Thank you.
I pasted that script into Kismet though, and not everything showed up. All that is present is the "Mobile Simple Swipes" node, "Level Loaded" and "Clear Input Zones", 3 "Seq_Var Floats" (0, 0, and 500), and a "Set Velocity" node with your KActor attached, as well as a "Seq Var Vector" and a 600 "Seq Var Float". I'd attach a picture, but for whatever reason every time I attempt to, it says that the action fails. It might be due to the fact that I'm still new to this forum. Also, not sure if you're on March UDK too, but maybe that's why I didn't get everything with the past? Iduno.
I was able to incorporate a simple button to make the object/character go up, as if they're jumping, but a swipe would definitely be ideal. I know you have your own stuff to do, so please don't trouble yourself too much with this. Thanks a ton for the time you've put in already. I really appreciate it. I'll keep at it and see if I can come up with something.
Thanks again.