
Hey guys!
This is only my second character model. Sort of dove into it blindly... I've gotten to the point where I really need to come up with a firm concept to move forward, but treating this as a base, is there anything that needs fixing before I build on it?
EDIT: I'm currently at 786 tris, just FYI.

WIP Concept Art:

Thanks in advance,
I think this is really good for a second model. Really...mine was terrible...maybe they still are?
ANYWAY, in order to crit, it is important for us to know as much about what it is you are trying to do. Is this a stylized model? If not, then the proportions need some work? Is this your final topology? If it is, then that needs some work as well.
Other than that, maybe start looking and some photos and drawings and get an idea of her type and what clothes she would be wearing(if any)
And show it to us
gl with it
It is definitely meant to be stylized, but not too over-the-top; anime influenced, but more grounded in realism. Jade from Beyond Good & Evil exhibits a style similar to what I'm imagining. The topology is not final! Any crits in that department would be much appreciated.
Clothing concepts coming soon! As for as for the type of character, she's the protagonist for an action/adventure game. She's ~19 years old and should appear spry but not overtly athletic nor battle-hardened. I'd like her to be alluring, but not sexualized. Her disposition is friendly but determined. The setting is a fantasy world where magic and technology co-exist.
For a weapon, I've been tossing around the idea of giving her chunky leather gauntlets that channel magic energy. I think they would lend the model some personality...
I welcome suggestions.
I'm not sure If I like the T-Shirt. I know the corset shouldn't wrinkle like that at the bottom, but I'm in a rush to get feedback. No legs yet...
The mesh looks okay although I might make another cut in the back of the shoulders, and around the elbows and crotch areas.
To each his own! I think they are fine the way they are!
haikai, interesting as in good? :P I'm not completely sold on the combination... I'll add those edges you suggested. Thanks!
You're misunderstanding me. I'm not saying larger or smaller, I'm saying the model is not round enough. It looks a bit as if someone chopped off the nipple area.
Nice update btw
Here's a quick color test on the model. What do you guys think of the palette?
Also, tight-fitting pants or cargo pants? I can't decide.
The character design seems a little uninspired though. Cargo pants and a t-shirt under a corset? Sex it up, bro. I'm almost positive that right below this thread there is either tits and/or penii. Remove the t-shirt. Add some skank shorts that say "slut" on the butt, and give her some hooker heels.
You seem to be able to draw, so I'd draw out the character in full before even opening your modelling app. It'll probably save a lot of time and frustration.
A female character can have sex appeal without being a sex object. Jade from Beyond Good and Evil had an exposed midriff. Do something to add interest. This is your protagonist. Make her stand out.
I feel like the sci-fi half of the sci-fi/fantasy aesthetic is nowhere to be found. Any help in that regard would be much appreciated.
One thing I would consider changing is the leather top thing. It feels like a bra worn on the outside or something. I'd either make it longer like a mini corset or just get rid of it altogether and find another way to work leather into the shirt (like maybe it's just around the shoulder areas or is only on the sides of the torso, etc.).
Updated the mesh in a lot of ways. Mainly smoothed out the legs and tweaked proportions. The gauntlets and hair are still WIP.
I'd lower the wraps around her arms to be below her elbow.
General question about hair: What do you think is the best approach for my model? Should I sculpt the pieces fully or use alpha planes to define chunks?
I liked how the shirt was striped (knitted?) in the second to last concept - if you find yourself lacking texture you can go back to that!
I really like her proportions, what a cute character
Ugh... I'm getting frustrated with the hair. I think I'm way over-sculpting it, but I don't know how else to go about it.
In a more technical domain, if you are considering animation might i suggest you model not in a T-Pose but instead in a pose whereby the major joints are midway within their area of rotation... like the the elbow has about 170 degrees of rotation? So instead of having it at angle 0 (straight out) maybe try 85 or so degrees? This will help mitigate extreme stretching/bunching on the mesh and UV.
I updated the mesh which included reshaping the breasts and incidentally making them a bit smaller. I'd post pics now, but I'm kind of short on time. Gauntlets are finished and I'm now working on the boots...
Thanks for the tip about the arm positioning - fixed. (the forehead/temples, you could use some alphamapping as well) a lot of models with stylized hair, though using thinner clumps
So in terms of planes being capable of doing what you need: they are.
However you could keep the model as all geo, it would probably fit better stylistically and it'd save you from using an alphamap. I reckon you should lose most of the clumps though, and pretty much just have vvvvv on the lower edge, and perhaps 2-3 jumpy clumps all the way on top. Here's a very very quick example of what I mean:
Weighs in at 202 triangles per sphere.
Would also be a helluva lot nicer to unwrap and texture.
Aaaugh, it's painful to scrap the geometry I spent so much time on... T_T
Still procrastinating on the hair...
It looks like my finished model will be around 3000 tris. I was wondering, at that size, is it generally expected to have fully sculpted facial features (e.g. eyes)? In any case, I think I should bump up the detail of the face to make it more easily animatable.
I think the body mesh is basically done:
Awesome work so far, really like the concept and work done so far.
Looking at the topology around the elbow and knee joints, have you thought any about how its going to look when you pose / animate it? I've posted this one already once today, its by Ben Mathis, available here.
Update on the face:
The eyes are obviously undone and the nose still needs work...
Is there some special trick to doing eyelids? Nose still needs work
Aww, I thought I was so clever modelling the eyes with a concave iris beneath a convex lens, and then this happens:
Is there any solution, or will I have to make the surface of the eye flat?
For the eyes, I think I'll normal map the irises, so the geometry isn't problematic, but they'd still catch the light correctly. Is it possible for the specular map to use a different normal map than the diffuse? That would be convenient. And if I can do it in Maya, does anyone know if I can do it in Unity...?
I'd be interested to hear any other eyeball iris/lens ideas or (even better) known solutions...
there must be an other way then normal mapping!?
I think it's starting to look pretty good, but due to my inexperience, my confidence about the topology is nil...
How does her posture look?
Legs still need a lot of work. I'd really like to get the face locked in so I can stop obsessing over it and move...
PS: Still looking for a good eye shader solution. A layered shader with a normal map for the iris and a different normal map for the specular highlight looks good head-on, but not the side. I think a parallax/relief map for the iris would work perfectly, but I haven't been able to find a parallax shader anywhere.