Defiantly thought this game was dead. Totally dropped off my radar. The music is very captivating. Love this trailer. Haven't seen a good one in a while that actually gets my heart pumping.
From what I read back when this seemed to be coming out in 08 or so it sounded really interesting: Use nearly anything you find as a weapon, drive, work with survivors and you could make barricades. Don't know how much things have changed since then but, glad to see Techland working on their "baby" again :P
Also trailer was rad, not sure how the rest of the world is going to react though, dead children? Not popular with the conservatives, or well, anyone for that matter, but it serves to tell a story and a slightly gripping one at that.
I am hyped
But I completely forgot about this all until I watched that damage video. Crazy how these things just reappear.
So yeah, I guess I'm re-looking forward to this one.
I agree with you about the characters. If anything, I would have put more focus into the girl since she was the main focal point at the beginning.
Poland seems to be a nice place for games lately.
the in-engine screens look awesome, can't wait.
Trailer was done by Axis Animation. Theres up to 4 player drop in/out coop, set on a desert island with limited weapons/ammo. Game is on Techlands Chrome Engine and is planned for a PC/360/PS3 release.
So in summary a 4 player co-op open world zombie RPG on a tropical island, with a focus on visceral first person melee combat/survival. Also side quests and skill trees.
You're messed up holmes! :P
I'm still bewildered how more people can't see the glaring difference in production quality between the father and the rest. Very interested to know how that happened. Also, in the second to last in-game screen in the pool, the guy's anatomy looks CRAZY, like he's wearing a muscle-suit. Watching with interest, but yeah...raises an eyebrow. Wonder if they can pull off that damage model.
I just realised why I like that trailer so much... the music is very reminiscent of LOST
edit: Oh yeah, am i the only one that noticed the ridiculous clipping in the first screen shot with the pool between the umbrella and the hut?
gah, i'm being such a downer right now. Overall really good stuff, just thought the above video was funny as was the clipping
I applaud their creativity.
I'm glad the world is black and white.
And I don't think i'll ever be tired of killing zombies
Doesn't show gameplay really..just in game assets/environments/animationes. Looks really good!! From what I read it seems like this game is borrowing a lot from Oblivion. With the first person melee combat and mission set up. I feel that people say this is just a Left 4 Dead 2 clone... are kind of dumb as hell.
It seems like L4D2 mixed with what Dead Raising should of been. That's not a bad thing, it could be like finally merging beer and ice cream successfully.
I really liked the trailer(s) but... it would be really great to finally get some more footage of in game action which is what I was hoping for and while I enjoy the in game art it still leaves a lot of questions.
I think the L4D2 comparison is pretty fair at this point until they release more info about the game play. From what I've I've read they have a lot in common with a lot of other zombie games. "Giant bloated zombies that get close and explode" wow haven't dealt with that every sat for the past 6mo... But I don't care that they're borrowing, I think its awesome, just as long as they don't do stupid shit like use "Pee-PEA POINTZ!1~!" and jack up the save system... looking at you Dead Raising...
Destructoid got to put a hands on preview of it. And a few sites, also. I really like the Elder's Scrolls style of gameplay and to be able to do that..but a more Dead Rising vibe sounds super interesting to me. Either way! Stoked!
I gotta say the burning zombies in this look super badass to me. Also I hate to be that guy, but that palm frond would not be able to support that hanging guy's weight
Also I can never get enough zombies, and thanks for the pun Mark, I can never get enough puns! They are my favorite
Electrified Machettes? Sign me up!
My problems with what I saw in the video, is it's like most of the zombies are just laying around sunbathing, or something, and suddenly pop up when the player approaches. That, and when the player fell down in the room, the model went through the floorboards
I guess I just hope it gets a bit more polished. I also hope that player just sucked, and that it doesn't take a long time between attacks.
Well, you don't have to use it.. I don't know what I would do if there wasn't any fast travel in Oblivion. I'd probably would've added 10 hours into my gameplay. If not more
To me it looks as if the fun factor would die out quickly if all you do is fight (boring)zombies. It would be cool if you had to fight off other survivors that are trying to take your supplies - something a little more interesting that 'wack-a-zombie'. Or if the over arching story isn't really about the zombies.
art looks great though!