Hey everyone, Im in the process of trying to create a business card and Im at a loss for ideas. Should I A) keep it simple and just have my name, what I do, my email and website or

Should I add an image to it? The second Idea is difficult because I cant seem to think of anything to "brand" myself. Thank you.
And if you have a background in design, you could always design a logo, or something. Or something iconic like the guy in the top-left here to use everywhere: http://www.poopinmymouth.com/
Really, though, keep it as simple as possible, while still showing your work.
No one really wants a card with an ass print on it so don't carry those things around in your wallet.
D) Get super fancy and make a handful of USB credit card sized bussiness cards with your fancy card design and images or your portfolio loaded onto the tiny drive. Nothing fancy that autoloads and rapes their machine, they'll already be weary of the device so keep your info on the card in case they don't load it and keep the info on the drive simple, easy to open and as non threatening as possible.
E) Instead of: "here's my card, I hope you remember to hang onto it and later check it out and I hope you give me some feedback"
How about: "Here's my site, check it out on my phone" What do you think?"
I've known a few people that have landed an interview that way. At the very least you have an opportunity to get some feedback.
Hope you'll like it!
I don't think it hurts to have them...you never know who you will meet or when you will meet them. Put contact info and your portfolio address on there.
Those usb things? those are badass!
I also like the idea of loading it up on a mobile phone, but sometimes its not the same as having it up on a bigger monitor. Having the site on your phone AND a business card might work well.
...go for it?
I did little watercolor sketches on like 10 or 20 of them, and just wrote my name and blog URL on the back. I'm not very often in situations where I can give them out, but I think i ended up giving them all away to friends and acquaintances.
Not sure how useful they are, but at the very least, they're probably less likey to throw away a hand-painted card
Another piece of advice I would give is to ask the people you meet if they have a LinkedIn account. LinkedIn is much better for keeping in touch with people, plus it's a direct link to your resum
no gaudy colours.
embossed is suave.
get a hot girl with an ill fitting bra (so she has to constantly readjust it in front of people) to hand them out.