It's developed by some french guys (yeah), they hope to sold out the game on steam in february/march this year.
They have made a realy nice work with the source engine. Apparently the maps are very huge. It's an fps with a rpg part (quests, dialogs, and so on).
Currently the game have some little bugs, but the gameplay, the atmosphere and all the other stuffs are awesome !
Just before the release they have made a new gameplay trailer, check it out :
Good timing, if it came around the time of Deus Ex, it would have been a disaster, with timing like this, and the DE hype going on, I wouldn't be surprised if they got flood sales.
Good timing, if it came around the time of Deus Ex, it would have been a disaster, with timing like this, and the DE hype going on, I wouldn't be surprised if they got flood sales.
I hope for them, it would be a good return for their efforts!
Game is..weird. It's kind of clunky feeling? Confusing. my mind is in a hze right now though, i'll give it another run when i'm feeling level.
moof, i'm with you on that. it feels so retro. The little talking heads next to dialogue, the non voice acting voices, and the cyber modding, research, inventory type stuff..
Makes me think of Syndicate and Deus Ex type stuff. It feels retro in the aspect that, to me, it feels like it's trying to do too much almost. But yeah.
and froyok, the music really IS excellent. I'm loving that bit atm.
It's entertaining. Confusing with very little explanation, and awkward translations...
but entertaining.
as someone on something awful said..
"It's the most PC computer game I've played in a long time."
the controller support is amazing, it is even listed as supported on the store page.
you turn on controller and the only thing that works is the left stick, which works as a turn and move, kinda like the N64 stick in goldeneye64. nothing else of the pad works, it's hilariously tragic for 2011.
Well, honestly, playing EYE with a controller is painful, because the game needs from you very good reactions and reflexes ! So, I don't think that playing with a controller is a good idea : the game is already hard and with a joystick it's worse !
Yep, an old post, but i thought this game warranted it. I played the demo of this game on a 46" monitor sitting right in front of me on my desk in full 3D. For people who are good at putting themselves in another place when they play games and letting themselves sort of "believe", this demo was so so interesting. The guy who made it seems to have had a lot of passion and interesting ideas. The game didn't seem to be well fleshed out in many areas, but overall seemed to provides a really interesting experience and i simply didn't find the time to play it because i stopped gaming altogether to learn art and to put my PC in storage so i could quit my job and live in my car for awhile...ugh, but anyway, give this demo a shot while keeping in mind something a commenter on youtube once said (so you know its true..), he said, the best movie watchers fill in the plot holes for themselves, which just means take what you want from the film (or game in this case), and ignore the rest and use it as a template for your own vision or whatever vision enhances your immersion. It IS real, be careful. Tell that to yourself. Anyway, cheers.
An E.Y.E thread on polycount; there's something I didn't expect to see today... in 2016... Game's crazy; you have to be in a certain mindset to enjoy it. It's incredibly flawed and thus hard to recommend, but not necessarily a bad game; far from it. The awful english translation, while incredibly off-putting to begin with, actually helped build up the sense of mystery for me — something I find a rarer experience the older I become. Most of the time you've no idea what's going on, or why, or who the hell any of these characters are. Same goes for the games stats/mechanics. For me at least the game managed to stay just on the 'intriguing nonsense' side, without stepping into 'pointless garbage' territory. But it's a very fine line. Luckily, the gameplay (gunplay) is fun enough to keep you shooting through the undecipherable dialogue and plot points. The 444 Bear Killer, a blatant copy of Deckard's gun from Blade Runner, is an absurd amount of fun. You shoot down aircraft with that thing. It's fucking awesome. There are enemies that tower over the map, and others with similarly preposterous scale, possibly residing in caves. There's an undead king who bends you to his will. There are werewolves for seemingly no reason. There's more weird shit than you could possibly want. It's great.
Also of some fun was the meta-game of reading the steam thread where people tried to power through the english translation in hope of uncovering the one true ending (which was apparently too hard to even be found and had to be patched to make easier, though there is some doubt to this official statement) :
Yeah! This was a great title! I'd love to see a more polished sequel, but not overly modern. It felt a little dated when I first played it compared to all the modern trappings games have these days, but i fell in love with EYE pretty hard. It's honest weirdness from the warhammer world, and not some LOLSORANDOM memefest.
Ah, my bad, must've just mucked up the link. Fixed. Also that picture is frighteningly accurate. E.Y.E may be nonsense, and not even high quality nonsense, but it's worth a go for the atmosphere. If you're the nonsensical sort, put it on your steam wishlist for when it goes on sale - you might just like it.
twitter :!/EYE_DC
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They hope to launch the game before Crysis 2.
Always no exact date.
New gameplay vid
maybe for the good, maybe for the bad.
We can wait with the soundtrack :
The songs are very cool, remind me a lot Vangelis...
It's available on steam with -10% on the price !
Let's go :
Currently the game have some little bugs, but the gameplay, the atmosphere and all the other stuffs are awesome !
Just before the release they have made a new gameplay trailer, check it out :
More gameplay on this channel :
There is also some live stream somewhere... don't have the link yet.
Currently the game support singleplayer and coop (with 16 players max if I remember correctly).
There is also the possibilitie to buy a 4-pack !
I hope for them, it would be a good return for their efforts!
moof, i'm with you on that. it feels so retro. The little talking heads next to dialogue, the non voice acting voices, and the cyber modding, research, inventory type stuff..
Makes me think of Syndicate and Deus Ex type stuff. It feels retro in the aspect that, to me, it feels like it's trying to do too much almost. But yeah.
and froyok, the music really IS excellent. I'm loving that bit atm.
but entertaining.
as someone on something awful said..
"It's the most PC computer game I've played in a long time."
Couldn't agree more, and I don't think that's a compliment.
PC? Is the term PC an adjective or something? Not sure I get what he means.
you turn on controller and the only thing that works is the left stick, which works as a turn and move, kinda like the N64 stick in goldeneye64. nothing else of the pad works, it's hilariously tragic for 2011.
I'd like to know more about rpg part, so far it seems kind of deathmatch-y.
Also of some fun was the meta-game of reading the steam thread where people tried to power through the english translation in hope of uncovering the one true ending (which was apparently too hard to even be found and had to be patched to make easier, though there is some doubt to this official statement) :
And I inevitably link this every time E.Y.E comes up, as it does a good job of explaining (spoiling, so best if you've already played or have no intention to) the game, or at least one interpretation of it:
Yeah! This was a great title! I'd love to see a more polished sequel, but not overly modern. It felt a little dated when I first played it compared to all the modern trappings games have these days, but i fell in love with EYE pretty hard. It's honest weirdness from the warhammer world, and not some LOLSORANDOM memefest.
Bek, that second link is ded