In my first game job, I got made redundant, but the folks who were kept on were forced to work on 'barbie horse adventure'. In hindsight I am pleased I got made redundant:)
I have to agree though friendship is magic( bloooagghh)
It's all about that embracing your inner childhood thing I did so after being told, now this show makes me laugh and de-stress thanks to it being overly simple but good and endearing.
I had a horrible day at work, came back and watched the new episode, and then I was very happy.
And to be honest, at the end of every episode the "friendship report" has a lot to say about what we are missing in society.
Newest ep was pretty nice too, spiked punch, hir hir hir..
Also now that APB Reloaded is nearing a release, anyone want to create a BRONY BRIGADE? I am not being serious.
Newest ep was kind of surprising, I was not expecting the ketchup scene.
I....think I want to model a pony. I've been shunning the thought for so long, but I really really want to model a pony.
When this semester is over, we're starting a Polycount Pony Pimpage thread.
Polypony with Toothy cutie-mark would be hilarious.
It would need several versions of course.
A regular, a super next-gen hyper detailed one, one made of lensflares, one made up of photosourced textures run through crazy bump, a sci fi one and so ooon. this may be getting out of handI am starting to feel bad.
Skamberin: "Also now that APB Reloaded is nearing a release, anyone want to create a BRONY BRIGADE? I am not being serious."
I would be.. I would be...
Totally going to watch another episode now. I wish there would show more of Princess Luna. I wanted to see more of the post nightmare moon mentality as well as the interaction between her bigger sister after she has returned. In a sense trying to assimilate back into society after a long hiatus.
That's a great show too, though, no mistake.
Allan: To be honest, I wish nightmare moon was a more reoccurring character, this show would do well such a bad-ass antagonist. That's okay, though, they manage to do a fantastic job of giving the show story with no real antagonist at all. Pretty remarkable writing if you ask me.
I watched this show last week. The entire show. The director/writer's skills were already on display for PowerPuff Girls and the Imaginary Friends show. I'm afraid I'm a little hooked on this new iteration of My Little Pony. Which is mildly humiliating given that I was alive when the original version of this series was popular. I think one of my favorite aspects of this show are the facial expressions. (which are hilarious) Also, the various characterizations are surprisingly daring at times. I was especially impressed with the "fashion designer" pony. She behaves and speaks less like a six-year-old girl, and more like a middle-aged fashion designer.
Ultimately, it is a show that succeeds at being entertaining and even doling out moral lessons without being condescending. (or even overtly sappy)
Skamberin, i have the same reaction as you,
when the thread first started i was wth, but yesterday while doing some simulation work, this thread popped out again, so i thought "wth, im bored anyway"
and.... now i cant stop
After having read this thread and seeing folks like Makkon's reaction, I convinced my wife to watch a couple episodes while I was at work and let me know how she felt about it. That night, she was extremely hesitant.
I come home from work the next afternoon, find out she's 5 episodes in, and she wants to go to Wal-Mart to see if they have a particular Fluttershy toy to match her new wallpaper.
I have since started watching it with her each night, starting from the beginning.
And it is awesome. (Fluttershy is my favorite as well.)
Isn't that a strange phenomena? It's the last show in the world that you'd expect to enjoy, let alone LOVE so much. I got my brother and a few cousins going on it (all men in their 20s, BTW).
Why isn't this stickied yet? People need to know the phenomena. Makkon, I think I've watched enough episodes and I've come to the conclusion that I do enjoy Twilight Sparkle's personality. Though Rarity comes close as I have quite a few friends who act like her and seeing her mannerisms being a parody of that personality is hilarious.
-There are action oriented female ponies who don't act as though they're carpet munching hippies (not every action girl is a lesbian you know).
-They teach wholesome values through subtlety, without jerking it off in your face (the last show to do this was the OLD Sonic series).
-The animation quality, while very digital in 'looks' has a certain charm and high value to it (not like many others, see Governator).
-No brown shaders to add 'realism', also, no lens-flare, DOF nor other flimsy excused effects (also, no gun-metal grey colors).
-Vibrant colors and strong character silhouettes (simplicity in design yet engaging).
Also, a few people have mentioned here, but the writing, while not epic like LOTR in terms of grandeur, actually is good and the fact that half of the time the story prattles about while going forward is amazing.
I mean honestly, in most cartoons we have our 'heroes' who have to go and stop an evil magician from taking over the world, yet they find the time to somehow include gimmick episodes where they must fix the pool, or save sheep, or have sex with a vaginal golem, in Ponies, while we do have this, they feel as part of something bigger and have weight, which again, last time I saw, was in the OLD Sonic series (the dark, gritty one, not the stupid crazy one) in which had any weight.
My point is Ponies is good from all perspectives, and if someone doesn't like it for ANY MUNDANE reason, then they're a miserable cunt, or a person who can only get it up when watching hard working police officers getting killed...just saying...
If Way Forward licensed the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and then made a game based on the series. I can't imagine a game developer better suited for this source material.
That's mega boss Makkon
Also yes, season finale this friday, now what will I do on fridays OTHER THINGS!?
No way man, there's a serious lack of ponies in "other things".
Guess it's back to FG and Simpsons then.
Ep22 is due out on April 8th.
Rainbow Dash is my fav. Hells yeah!
I have to agree though friendship is magic( bloooagghh)
Action Hank is awesome! hahahaha that pic made my day and brought back a lot of good memories!
and a whole new Live-Action Trailer from my little pony movie! (well not so new)
MY LITTLE PONY: Reign of Buttercup Sprinkles. !:)
So. uh. Heeeey polycount, how much of that morphine/cocaine mix are you on lately?
And to be honest, at the end of every episode the "friendship report" has a lot to say about what we are missing in society.
img (c) tocupine
Also, this makes me unbelievably happy XD
Also now that APB Reloaded is nearing a release, anyone want to create a BRONY BRIGADE?
I am not being serious.
I....think I want to model a pony. I've been shunning the thought for so long, but I really really want to model a pony.
When this semester is over, we're starting a Polycount Pony Pimpage thread.
would recommend, for those on the fence.
No, I don't have a vagina. heh.
Polypony with Toothy cutie-mark would be hilarious.
It would need several versions of course.
A regular, a super next-gen hyper detailed one, one made of lensflares, one made up of photosourced textures run through crazy bump, a sci fi one and so ooon.
this may be getting out of hand I am starting to feel bad.
I'm so down with the super next-gen pony
I am not being serious."
I would be.. I would be...
Totally going to watch another episode now. I wish there would show more of Princess Luna. I wanted to see more of the post nightmare moon mentality as well as the interaction between her bigger sister after she has returned. In a sense trying to assimilate back into society after a long hiatus.
That's a great show too, though, no mistake.
Allan: To be honest, I wish nightmare moon was a more reoccurring character, this show would do well such a bad-ass antagonist. That's okay, though, they manage to do a fantastic job of giving the show story with no real antagonist at all. Pretty remarkable writing if you ask me.
Talking about nightmares, let me treat you to one: XD That would make an even more awesome antagonist. *gasp* PONY MERMAIDS. You know you want them (?).
We'll say we never went there...
And now I'm drawing fanart. Great. Look at me go, guys, I'm losing it!!!
Ultimately, it is a show that succeeds at being entertaining and even doling out moral lessons without being condescending. (or even overtly sappy)
I have fallen.
Cupcakes and Share and Care are in my head.
Eh, might as well embrace it.
Would be nice with more Moon yes, also, awesome picture Makkon
when the thread first started i was wth, but yesterday while doing some simulation work, this thread popped out again, so i thought "wth, im bored anyway"
and.... now i cant stop
Skamberin: Thanks, man!
After having read this thread and seeing folks like Makkon's reaction, I convinced my wife to watch a couple episodes while I was at work and let me know how she felt about it. That night, she was extremely hesitant.
I come home from work the next afternoon, find out she's 5 episodes in, and she wants to go to Wal-Mart to see if they have a particular Fluttershy toy to match her new wallpaper.
I have since started watching it with her each night, starting from the beginning.
And it is awesome. (Fluttershy is my favorite as well.)
Praise the ponies!
Praise the ponies!
-There are action oriented female ponies who don't act as though they're carpet munching hippies (not every action girl is a lesbian you know).
-They teach wholesome values through subtlety, without jerking it off in your face (the last show to do this was the OLD Sonic series).
-The animation quality, while very digital in 'looks' has a certain charm and high value to it (not like many others, see Governator).
-No brown shaders to add 'realism', also, no lens-flare, DOF nor other flimsy excused effects (also, no gun-metal grey colors).
-Vibrant colors and strong character silhouettes (simplicity in design yet engaging).
Also, a few people have mentioned here, but the writing, while not epic like LOTR in terms of grandeur, actually is good and the fact that half of the time the story prattles about while going forward is amazing.
I mean honestly, in most cartoons we have our 'heroes' who have to go and stop an evil magician from taking over the world, yet they find the time to somehow include gimmick episodes where they must fix the pool, or save sheep, or have sex with a vaginal golem, in Ponies, while we do have this, they feel as part of something bigger and have weight, which again, last time I saw, was in the OLD Sonic series (the dark, gritty one, not the stupid crazy one) in which had any weight.
My point is Ponies is good from all perspectives, and if someone doesn't like it for ANY MUNDANE reason, then they're a miserable cunt, or a person who can only get it up when watching hard working police officers getting killed...just saying...
If Way Forward licensed the rights to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and then made a game based on the series. I can't imagine a game developer better suited for this source material.
Completely awesome. This is turning to be less of a fad and more of an interest with real lasting substance. It makes me so happy!!!
THE NEW EPISODE WAS FREAKY. And now it's by far my favorite.
This show is so excellent, best ep so far.
Go Gummy, it's your birthday!
Allan: You don't need to catch up to watch the latest episode. You're not missing any sort of storyline.
Hate to post this again, but it's turning out pretty well. This is a new level of pathetic obsession. I made a remix of the main theme.
Also yes, season finale this friday, now what will I do on fridays
No way man, there's a serious lack of ponies in "other things".
Guess it's back to FG and Simpsons then.
And done
I should really do something else besides MLP