There's complaints about lack of modes already, but screw 'em. Tekken brats spoiled by bowling, lol... not to mention the whole lack of megaman that made the internets cry a few salt lakes. X)
so am I like the only person playing this today or what? ;p
You're not.
I got it for ps3 and got to get in about 2 hours tonight. Will be able to really get into it this weekend.
Digging it so far though. Only got to really mess around with Haggar and Arthur as far as new characters go. I can't see anyone that was a fan of MvC2 not absolutely loving this game. I'm all for less characters as long as they are more balanced, and that seems to be the case here.
Oh man, 2011 is shaping up to be a pretty good year for gaming so far. Last month I got Dead Space 2. This month I picked up a copy of Marvel vs. Capcom 3. And as soon as I can find a copy, I'm going to get my "You Don't Know Jack" on. It's so very rare for me to be excited enough about a game to pay full retail. This year I've already taken that plunge twice, and I'm probably not finished.
Didn't get a chance to actually play the game yesterday. I'll probably pop it in for a quick play this evening, and take it over to my friend's house for some multiplayer on Friday. MvsC2 was one of my favorite fighters of all time. Looking forward to the new roster.
played it a bunch the last two nights, it's fucking awesome but boy do I suck! I love the simplification of the moves. some people only have three (dr doom), while some people have like 30 (dante), but all the inputs are super easy to remember and use.
I have no clue how to build a proper combo though so I'm getting pretty destroyed. but it's fun!
Bounch: Yeah dude, its realy rough it took me a entire night to figure out how to switch my characters so use to hitting 2 buttons to switch, not holding my assist button to switch them in....its kinda werid the new button layout...but they made it to do combos//aircombos really easily , light,medium,light,medium,special(knock up),light,medium,light,medium, Special(switch character) , do this until all your characters are out and punching shit..
Picked it up for PS3, loving it so far. I haven't tried a VS game before so it's very bizarre stuff to me, but it's just so ridiculous you can't help but have fun even if you're being combo'd to oblivion.
Capcom really did a fantastic job of bringing the character's personalities to life, there are so many times I or my opponent did something that made me burst out laughing. Ryu looks even more boring and bland than usual in comparison to the crazy cast, I love it. :P
There's complaints about lack of modes already, but screw 'em. Tekken brats spoiled by bowling, lol... not to mention the whole lack of megaman that made the internets cry a few salt lakes. X)
I got around to playing this last night. Managed to beat the arcade mode on very-easy. (yes, I'm a pansy) Galactus is no push-over, getting through his battle without being hit is going to be near-impossible. At the same time, I like him much more than the boss from MvsC2. Quick Tip: When fighting Galactus, the safest place to be is right up against his chest. Use a character that does decent close-range damage with attacks that push them forward, like Hulk, Wolverine, or Super-Skrull.
I got it for 360. Been playing it a ton and loving it even more than I thought I would.
I've been following the hype for a few months now and the payoff is great so far.
The first MvC3 tournament with lots of top players was streamed last night. It was an excellent tournament. The play there was way higher level than everything we've seen in videos before release. Very tense games and lots of characters being represented.
Justin Wong killed everyone with Wolverine, he's too good.
We're having a local tournament here next month and I'm gonna have a go. I went to a SSFIV one a couple weeks ago.
Just got this yesterday, takes a little getting used to especially coming from a street fighter background with little mvc2 experience!
I'm playing on PS3 in the UK, add Tom_Poon if you want to play some matches! If we have enough active polycounters on PS3 we should make a mvc3 polycount chat room, similar to what they have going on in Giant Bomb
Of course I highly doubt that we do, so I guess I'll just be happy and stick with the giant bomb'ers Anyone can be invited to the chat room, it's a nice place to hangout and chat about the games easily with little hassle (just need to press the PS button to get back into the chat, and the PS button again to get back into game - much better than the ps3's crappy messaging system)
I KNOW there are some polycounters out there as hyped as I am for Ultimate MVC3! Gotta be!
I'm going to be trying out Vergil, Ghost Rider, and Nemesis -- obnoxious, I know. Also looking to pick up Doc Strange, and maaaaybe try Phoenix Wright for kicks. Too funny to pass up.
Anyone looking for some fisticuffs and/or rampant plasma chucking on PS3 add me, Toasticus. Hopefully soon I'll set myself up with a dual-modded stick so I can take on 360 players also.
There's complaints about lack of modes already, but screw 'em. Tekken brats spoiled by bowling, lol... not to mention the whole lack of megaman that made the internets cry a few salt lakes. X)
p.s. Deadpool vs Magneto is hilarious.
i still dont understand your crush on that pruple -blueisgh chick
Considering it's been 14 years, it was a pretty big deal to me okay
too bad the model's horribly inaccurate (and still is) but meh i'll take what I can get, better than nothing
Lamont, you on PS3 or 360? I might be up for some Super 4 sometime. Main was Juri, although I'm trying to pick up Viper for MVC so I might try her out also.
Hah! I was actually seriously considering picking up SSF4 Ibuki because I was shredding my friends with her in 3S, although we're total scrubs at that game. Can't parry worth a damn.
I want to take you for a ride.
There's complaints about lack of modes already, but screw 'em. Tekken brats spoiled by bowling, lol... not to mention the whole lack of megaman that made the internets cry a few salt lakes. X)
p.s. Deadpool vs Magneto is hilarious.
Saw it leaked a week ago though
You're not.
I got it for ps3 and got to get in about 2 hours tonight. Will be able to really get into it this weekend.
Digging it so far though. Only got to really mess around with Haggar and Arthur as far as new characters go. I can't see anyone that was a fan of MvC2 not absolutely loving this game. I'm all for less characters as long as they are more balanced, and that seems to be the case here.
Indeed as Sentinel was made more powerful... so I think the progaming manchildren got what they want.
PS3 baby, all the proz be there.
Didn't get a chance to actually play the game yesterday. I'll probably pop it in for a quick play this evening, and take it over to my friend's house for some multiplayer on Friday. MvsC2 was one of my favorite fighters of all time. Looking forward to the new roster.
I have no clue how to build a proper combo though so I'm getting pretty destroyed. but it's fun!
Capcom really did a fantastic job of bringing the character's personalities to life, there are so many times I or my opponent did something that made me burst out laughing. Ryu looks even more boring and bland than usual in comparison to the crazy cast, I love it. :P
~ This ^
For those interested, already has a pretty excellent wiki guide to the game, found here.
Sold!! Will pick this up after college to day.
this game is awesome
i havent been able to find a copy around here... may have to order it online
sef I sent you a friend request
I've been following the hype for a few months now and the payoff is great so far.
The first MvC3 tournament with lots of top players was streamed last night. It was an excellent tournament. The play there was way higher level than everything we've seen in videos before release. Very tense games and lots of characters being represented.
We're having a local tournament here next month and I'm gonna have a go. I went to a SSFIV one a couple weeks ago.
If you want to play my gamertag is "frumplstlskn"
I'm playing on PS3 in the UK, add Tom_Poon if you want to play some matches! If we have enough active polycounters on PS3 we should make a mvc3 polycount chat room, similar to what they have going on in Giant Bomb
Of course I highly doubt that we do, so I guess I'll just be happy and stick with the giant bomb'ers
GT - Stole Yo Bike
What teams do you guys use? I use Wesker, Dante, Chris. I might take Chris out for Phoenix though.
I KNOW there are some polycounters out there as hyped as I am for Ultimate MVC3! Gotta be!
I'm going to be trying out Vergil, Ghost Rider, and Nemesis -- obnoxious, I know. Also looking to pick up Doc Strange, and maaaaybe try Phoenix Wright for kicks. Too funny to pass up.
Anyone looking for some fisticuffs and/or rampant plasma chucking on PS3 add me, Toasticus. Hopefully soon I'll set myself up with a dual-modded stick so I can take on 360 players also.
or rocket Racoon, Nova and Dr strange.
Alot of new combinations I will be doing this time around.
Yea im still on Xbox with my 2 mad cats fight sticks but feel free to add me in under Seforin if you want some matches
Whoever is in charge of the cover art's position of the ESRB label is an ass
i still dont understand your crush on that pruple -blueisgh chick
too bad the model's horribly inaccurate (and still is) but meh i'll take what I can get, better than nothing
Still pisses me off but Im happy this game is coming out soon.