Well all ive ever modeled is guns, and you know what! to hell with guns time to do a herro cropter! any way im working on a ch47 and i finally gave up trying to set up refs in view port so im mainly just free perspective modeling and it feels great not to be 100% anal about porportions. So what i have so far is the first pass on the hp nose section and im going to work on the rear next. my thiking is that the helo will come together in the middle since its just like an elongated tube (No penis jokes please :P) any way with out further ado, still an early wip. If any one has any comments or suggestions please feel free to share!

Only piece of advice I can give is to watch out for the doors. It's really easy to make the door normals not fall in line with the normals of the rest of the thing, even in hi-poly (500k+) vehicles. What you can do is subdivide a bunch, then cut out your doors, then clean it up. That usually helps keep the doors pointing in the right direction, which makes it not look like ass when it reflects stuff.
Check out this awesome side view I found for you. Don't you feel silly about your proportions now?
Either you go fully accurate or you think it through really well why you're not going to (like your own thought through fictional design). Otherwise it's just an excuse for being sloppy and careless. Which is going to hurt you in the end.
You're right. and with that in mind, i am not going to be lazy therefore ill make this as accurate as possible. Thanks for the perspective :thumbup:.
well heres an update. i was having trouble with the rear hatch but i think Ive got it blocked out alright (still a lot of detail to add on it). ill be moving on to the landing wheels next. I also fiddled extensively with the proportions of the helo. (shortened the pilot cab, shortened the whole helo, moved the windows, re did the side window towards the front, welded the engines to the chassis. all in all i think its shaping up quite well right now. thanks for the feed back so far guys, i hope you feel im taking you comments into consideration.
lol so are you saying the proportions are still horribly off?
I would say yes.
These things hold 30-50 dudes fully loaded. The interiors look nothing like that.
Either model a Chinook, or model something that clearly isn't a Chinook.
Wow, way to be rude man.
To OP:I suggest definitely going back and check the new reference's that have been posted to make sure your model is more accurate.
keep going with this man!
more renders tomorrow im tired!
Try working in some of that detailwork on the outside aswell so you get a more even detail spread.
Looks awesome!