
I've been rather quiet around these parts for the past few weeks and with good reason: My wife and I are moving back home, to Toronto Canada. Literally the day after my fire I had a call from Ubisoft Toronto about working with them. During my recovery I went through the motions with them and am now starting there mid-March.
Vancouver Polycounters: So long and thanks for all the fun. This industry is fairly incestuous so I am sure we will see or work with eachother again.
Toronto Polycounters: Beers? I'll be right in the city proper.
Congrats, must be nice to get back home! Hope movings smooth.
Remember to fireproof the new place before any experimental cooking :P Your hands are legendary tools of creation, they must not be harmed again
I'd welcome a beer anytime. Hope your move goes well.
No more meet ups with us Seattlites I guess.
1300 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, sauna in the apartment, soaker tubs, back lawn, new appliances. This place would have gone for $2000+ in Vancouver and we're getting it at $1350 - crazy!
What he gave you fish? All Adam ever gave me was crabs...
Have fun Adam!
fucker! I'm paying that much for half that in the middle of fucking mayberry.
You'll be working with some close friends of mine!
Say hi to Josh Cindy and Lesley for me!
The AD is from Vancouver too! (ex-Radical)
Dang, and I thought Toronto's apartments were expensive =P.
they're not bad and even if you live a bit further out, easily accessible with TTC.
oh no....o.o
Best of luck to ya.
all kidding aside dude. working with you was really awesome and i gotta thank you for getting my ass in gear in regards to getting involved in the community. if it wasn't for you i'd probably not be posting anywhere.
best of luck in your home province pal. Vancouver will be missing you.