I recently started a new character, aimed mainly at getting a better feel for creating different types of materials, overal sculpting and texturing. I chose the following concept by Gil Elvgren:
Here's where I'm at:
Hands and toes need some love. I'm currently blocking out the clothing.
Aaaaand naked:
And a couple of head shots:
Expression is obviously a little incongruent with the concept, will fix that a little later on.
Any C&C is
greatly appreciated so I can improve
Concept - Gil Elvgren
Body basemesh: Arshlevon (Baseman_toes)
Your model's head is too long right now and the lips aren't full enough. Her head also seems to be too large and I think what's throwing you off there is how poofy her hair is.
EDIT: Forgot to mention this. Her collar bone has some pretty serious issues. I'd suggest taking a look at models online. Met-Art tends to have a lot of skinny models that will help you with bone structure.
if you want a nice idea of how it could look, you can check Antropus's B-Movie entry, he did an awesome pin up model.
@Swizzle: I can't even imagine how the hell I didn't notice it myself but yep, the collar bone was seriously FUBAR lol, tried to fix it. Thanks for the tip on the similarity between Elvgren's other models, I'm using some of those as reference as well now.
@spacemonkey: Thanks, I agree that I wasn't really paying attention to the style of the period, d'oh! Decreased the size of the tits a bit, gave her a bit more fat in some areas, increased the hip size and decreased the size of the waist.
@Haikai: Agreed, I made some changes to her head, for the better I think.
@jozc: Thanks=) Those refs are great, downloaded!=)
Here are a couple of pics. Did my best to incorporate the crits into my model. I also started on the facial expression but it doesn't feel right yet, time to look for loads of pics of pouting girls to fix it.
Since Elvgren doesn't show the front of the dress, I was thinking of using something akin to the design this image:
It's PROBABLY a little different than the one he would have done but it is congruent with his style in terms of how much cleavage is shown I think, looking at the following image:
Lastly, I was pondering what do do about the folds in the cloth I'm going to do. Seeing as they should change based on the pose, I think I'll pose her before doing the folds, and doing the folds on the posed model. Good idea?
Thanks for the crits, here are updates, would love more input =P
the cleft in the chin is pretty extreme and not very natural looking. It more closely resembles a man's cleft chin. The crack I think goes up too far.
I agree the face is long. If you are referencing that last picture, that one looks long because of her expression. It is almost like a OOOO sound... like woo!
And lastly I think the head is a tad too large.
Keep it coming sir!
Look at the pelvis.
Humans should be able to kick over their own heads. I don't think your model can. Midgets and toddlers would kick themselves in the face.
I would highly recommend fixing the proportions on your base before going forward with the clothing.
The facial anatomy seems off. The eyebrows seem a bit to high. The chin/jawline seem a bit too pointy and narrow, and the lips need quite a bit of work.
Most of the crits in this thread seem pretty accurate.
It's a good start! Keep going with it!
I wonder if he ever finished the model.
*facepalm* Stupid spam post confusing me.