Have you tried using the good old Unwrap tool? It's in the upper left of the UV editor. Select your UV's, hit the tool, and drag the control widget to interactively unfold. I find doing simple projections and then unfolding gets me 90% of the way there, with some manual cleanup or aligning to U or V afterwards. If the tool seems to get "stuck" where you drag and drag and it's barely doing anything, try relaxing the UV's and doing it again.
I've been playing with this script and it works so nicely.
@Harbinger, I must admit I'm a bit of a novice with Maya' own in built uv tools, I need to get a Basic maya 2011 unwrapping tutorial I think.
Oh awesome, was looking at Roadkill the other day and was wondering if there were any others that've been updated more frequently. Thanks mang!