Hi everyone,
I did an art test a couple of weeks ago and thought I'd post it here as well.
The deal was to create a street corner under 10000 tris.
Here's is how it turned out, think it went okay
Think I could have pushed the details a but more, but I learned a lot and I think the lightning and the mood is nice.
Hope you like it
My only critiques and suggestions would be:
1. I think the roof texture doesn't read too well as it's a bit too noisy.
2. Some awnings on the lower windows might have been good to add interest and color.
3. Similarly upper story windows could have used some sills and lintels.
4. I think the HOTEL sign should be contributing some lighting in the night scene.
5. It would have been really cool if you had some clothes on the mannequins in the windows.
6. Something about the Tapas Bar sign bothers me, it might be that the specular is too similar to the wall it sits on or that it sits too flush against it. My point being it sort of looks painted onto the wall rather than being a separate element placed on it.
Thanks for sharing it with us.