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maya marking menu madness

I'm trying to load up some custom marking menus i created at work but for home. Usually i just copy/paste the documents\maya prefs from one computer to another and it works. This time, it did not work. :(

Is there a way to "load" marking menus through the "marking menu editor"? Or any other way?


  • Bobby J Rice 3rd
    I'm thinking this problem is not very common. :(
  • fade1
    Offline / Send Message
    fade1 polycounter lvl 14
    a marking menu is just MEL code in the right folder. have you looked up the in your prefs directory and compared to the old folder?
  • Bobby J Rice 3rd
    are you saying that my work folder location has to be mirrored at home as well for it to work?

    Whats interesting is I can drag the script into my view port in Maya and the menus work fine. But as soon as i restart Maya, it stops working again.
  • fade1
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    fade1 polycounter lvl 14
    when you create a new marking menu, maya saves it in the prefs/markingMenus folder as MEL code.
    If you copy one (or all) marking menu MEL file(s) from work at home in the same folder you should get the same marking menu at home. don't forget to reassign the hotkeys, as they are not stored in this file, but in the hotkeys MELs one folder up.
    did you check this and it's still not working?
  • Bobby J Rice 3rd
    what do you mean re-assign? I do see the menus pop up as they should. It's the function that does not work.
  • Bobby J Rice 3rd
    The menu shows up, but the function gives me this,

    // Error: Cannot find procedure "MDL_createPrimitive"

    I take this to mean it cannot find the Mel script file. I tried taking the script Mel code and pasting into a "created" marking menu mel file. That did nothing, however when i was in Maya, i drug that created script into the Maya 3d viewer. That made it work instantly. I guess i can just manually drag this file into the view port every time i open Maya. Seems tedious but at this point, no choice.
  • fade1
    Offline / Send Message
    fade1 polycounter lvl 14
    i think your marking menu is fine then. it'S the commands it can't find. maybe we can find out why? ;)
    where is this mel script(MDL_create..) located? is it your scripts folder or is it embeded in your marking menu?
  • Bobby J Rice 3rd
    I've temporarily created a shelf button that activates the menu so i don't have to keep dragging it. Sorta ghetto but not as ghetto as dragging it into the view port,..ha ha ha. As far as i can tell, the MDL it searches for is in the marking menu folder. When i open the Marking menu editor, they are listed just as they are at work. So, copying the files over to the Doc folder is working somewhat. It's like you said, the command is the problem. If I may ask what did you mean by "re-assigning"? That intrigues me. I'm not at all a Mel script guy so, my stupidity of Mel runs deep. lol
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