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UV Mapping of larger vehicle

polycounter lvl 13
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Saman polycounter lvl 13
Hello everyone. I tried searching for a similar problem to this but I couldn't find anything so apologies in advance if there already are threads like this one. This one is a bit specific too so I figured it would be better to start a new thread for it.
I'm currently uv mapping a mech I'm working on and I've come across a problem. The problem is that I will be having a character standing next to the mech with 2048x2048 textures so having the mech(which is several times larger than the character) standing next to the character would make the textures look rather blurry in closeups of the character(I was gonna have the character sit on top of the mech where you will be able to see the mech). I was at first gonna use decals for the textures and only use the uv map for simple colors and the normal map etc but I'm not sure if that's gonna work because of the mech's complex surface. The way I've understood is is that you place planes for the decals on top of the mech and then add transparency to it. Will the textures appear on top of the mech(with some of it left in the air) or will it place the textures nicely along the surface?
My other method would be to simply divide the uv map into several different ones and then use 2048x2048 for each of those divisions. I'm a bit reluctant to use that method though since I don't want to use too many texture files(both for my own control and memory reasons).
Here is a picture to illustrate my problem;
Perhaps I should just stick to 2048x2048 in a single uv map on the mech anyway? What do you guys think?


  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    You could make regular normal/diffuse/spec 2k maps using your first UV Set, then use a second UV set to add tiling detail textures (they don't need to be huge) that you'd blend on there with your shader, that's probably what I would do.
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