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Galax-z (indie game seeking programmer)

polycounter lvl 8
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Fo062 polycounter lvl 8
Back story
You play as the captain of a miner in the year 2725. Along with the ongoing acts of piracy along the galaxy, risks are now higher than ever.Your job is to explore the galaxies in search of minerals, mine and collect them without overloading your ship. While earning experience you also attain higher level of mining, allowing you to mine newer more fantastical galaxies for higher level minerals. The added feature of being able to customize your character, ship and planet design. Galax-z Prospect looks to take a new approach to the meaning of space odyssey with this fun RTS/adventure

Currently looking for programmer with working knowledge of c++ multi-platform application. willing to negotiate pay. i am not certain about the workload programming wise. I am sure if a skilled programmer say the work the could judge the hours required to make. We are also looking get some quotes as far as porting to other systems. a point in the right direction programming wise is what we are looking for to bring our vision to to life.

  • Our Goal
  1. Set realistic deadlines
  2. Working prototype
  3. Test Game designs
  4. Get it to the Market

What we have
  1. Art Direction/concept- Hayden wise
  2. Game Design/Modeling- Fatai Opawoye
  3. Music Direction/ Game Design- Jerry-lee Mogo
  4. Music/Sound engineer- Levi Havard
  5. Script Writer- Tayo Fasusi

For more info
email- Int_nobis@yahoo.com


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